Kinematics in Two Dimensions. Section 1: Adding Vectors Graphically.


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Presentation transcript:

Kinematics in Two Dimensions

Section 1: Adding Vectors Graphically

Adding Vectors Graphically Remember vectors have magnitude (length) and direction. When you add vectors you must maintain both magnitude and direction This information is represented by an arrow (vector)

A vector has a magnitude and a direction –The length of a drawn vector represents magnitude. –The arrow represents the direction Larger VectorSmaller Vector

Graphical Representation of Vectors Given Vector a: Draw 2aDraw -a

Problem set 1: 1.Which vector has the largest magnitude? 2.What would -b look like? 3.What would 2 c look like? a b c

Vectors Three vectors a b c

When adding vectors graphically, align the vectors head- to-tail. This means draw the vectors in order, matching up the point of one arrow with the end of the next, indicating the overall direction heading. Ex. a + c The starting point is called the origin a b c a c origin

When all of the vectors have been connected, draw one straight arrow from origin to finish. This arrow is called the resultant vector. a c origin a b c

Ex.1 Draw a + b a b c

origin Resultant a b c

Ex. 2 Draw a + b + c a b c

origin Resultant a b c

Ex. 3Draw 2a – b – 2c a b c

origin Resultant a b c

Section 2: How do you name vector directions?

Vector Direction Naming How many degrees is this? W S E N

Vector Direction Naming How many degrees is this? W S E N 90º

Vector Direction Naming What is the difference between 15º North of East and 15 º East of North? W S N E

Vector Direction Naming What is the difference between 15º North of East and 15º East of North? (can you tell now?) W S E N 15º North of East W S E N 15º East of North

Vector Direction Naming W S N 15º North of what? 15º

Vector Direction Naming W S N E 15º 15º North of East

W S E 15º East of What? 15º

W S E N 15º East of North 15º

___ of ___ This is the baseline. It is the direction you look at first This is the direction you go from the baseline to draw your angle N E

Describing directions 30º North of East –East first then 30º North 40º South of East –East first then 30º South 25º North of West –West first then 30º North 30º South of West –West first then 30º South

Problem Set #2 (Name the angles) 20º 30º 45º

Intro: Get out your notes 1.Draw the resultant of a – b + c 2. What would you label following angles a.b. 3. Draw the direction 15º S of W a b c 28º 18º

Section 3: How do you add vectors mathematically (not projectile motion)

The Useful Right Triangle Sketch a right triangle and label its sides Ө a: opposite b: adjacent c: hypotenuse The angle

The opposite (a) and adjacent (b) change based on the location of the angle in question The hypotenuse is always the longest side Ө a: opposite b: adjacent c: hypotenuse

The opposite (a) and adjacent (b) change based on the location of the angle in question The hypotenuse is always the longest side Ө a: opposite b: adjacent c: hypotenuse

To figure out any side when given two other sides Use Pythagorean Theorem a 2 + b 2 = c 2 Ө a: opposite b: adjacent c: hypotenuse The angle

Sometimes you need to use trig functions Ө a: opposite a: adjacent c: hypotenuse Sin Ө = _____ Cos Ө = _____ Tan Ө = _____ Opp Hyp Adj Hyp Opp Adj

Sometimes you need to use trig functions Ө a: opposite a: adjacent c: hypotenuse Sin Ө = _____ Cos Ө = _____ Tan Ө = _____ Opp Hyp Adj Hyp Opp Adj SOH CAH TOA

More used versions Sin Ө = _____ Cos Ө = _____ Tan Ө = _____ Opp Hyp Adj Hyp Opp Adj Opp = (Sin Ө)(Hyp) Adj = (Cos Ө)(Hyp) Ө = Tan -1 _____ Opp Adj

To resolve a vector means to break it down into its X and Y components. Example: 85 m 25º N of W Start by drawing the angle 25º

To resolve a vector means to break it down into its X and Y components. Example: 85 m 25º N of W Start by drawing the angle The magnitude given is always the hypotenuse 25º 85 m

To resolve a vector means to break it down into its X and Y components. Example: 85 m 25º N of W this hypotenuse is made up of a X component (West) and a Y component (North) 25º 85 m West North

In other words: I can go so far west along the X axis and so far north along the Y axis and end up in the same place 85 m 25º West North origin finish

If the question asks for the West component: Solve for that side –Here the west is the adjacent side Adj = (Cos Θ)(Hyp) 25º 85 m West or Adj.

If the question asks for the West component: Solve for that side –Here the west is the adjacent side Adj = (Cos Θ)(Hyp) Adj = (Cos 25º)(85) = 77 m W 25º 85 m West or Adj.

If the question asks for the North component: Solve for that side –Here the north is the opposite side Opp = (Sin Θ)(Hyp) 25º 85 m North or Opp.

If the question asks for the North component: Solve for that side –Here the west is the opposite side Opp = (Sin Θ)(Hyp) Opp = (Sin 25º)(85) = 36 m N 25º 85 m North or Opp

Resolving Vectors Into Components Ex 4a. Find the west component of 45 m 19º S of W

Resolving Vectors Into Components Ex 4a. Find the west component of 45 m 19º S of W

Ex 4a. Find the south component of 45 m 19º S of W

5 m/s forward velocity = 30 m/s down Hypotenuse = Resultant speed 5 m/s 30 m/s Remember the wording. These vectors are at right angles to each other. Redraw and it becomes Right angle

Section 4 (Solving for a resultant) Ex. 6Find the resultant of 35.0 m, N and 10.6 m, E. Start by drawing a vector diagram Then draw the resultant arrow

Ex. 6Find the resultant of 35.0 m, N and 10.6 m, E. Then draw the resultant vector and angle –The angle you find is in the triangle closest to the origin

Now we use Pythagorean theorem to figure out the resultant (hypotenuse)

Then inverse tangent to figure out the angle The answer needs a magnitude, angle, and direction

Problem Set 3: Resolve the following vectors 1)48m, S and 25m, W 2)12.5m, S and 78m, N

Problem Set #3 1)48m, S and 25m, W

Section 4: How does projectile motion differ from 2D motion (without gravity)?

Projectile Motion

Projectile- Object that is launched by a force and continues to move by its own inertia Trajectory- parabolic path of a projectile

Projectile motion involves an object moving in 2D (horizontally and vertically) but only vertically is influenced by gravity. The X and Y components act independently from each other and will be separated in our calculations.

X and Y are independent X axis has uniform motion since gravity does not act upon it.

X and Y are Independent Y axis will be accelerated by gravity -9.8 m/s 2

The equations for uniform acceleration, from unit one, can be written for either x or y variables:

If we push the ball harder, giving it a greater horizontal velocity as it rolls off the table, the ball would take _________ time to fall to the floor.

Horizontal and vertical movement is independent If we push the ball harder, giving it a greater horizontal velocity as it rolls off the table, the ball would: –Y axis: take the same time to fall to the floor. –X axis: It would just go further.

Solving Simple Projectile Motion Problems You will have only enough information to deal with the y or x axis first You cannot use the Pythagorean theorem since X and Y-axes are independent Time will be the key: The time it took to fall is the same time the object traveled vertically. d x = (v x )(t) is the equation for the horizontal uniform motion. If you don’t have 2 of three x variable you will have to solve for t using gravity and the y axis

Equations Solving Simple Projectile Motion Problems Do not mix up y and x variables d y – height (this is negative if falling down) d x – range (displacement x)

For all projectile motion problems Draw a diagram Separate the X and Y givens Something is falling in these problems X GivensY Givens d X =a = -9.8 m/s v X = … t =… …

Example Problem 8 A stone is thrown horizontally at 7.50 m/s from a cliff that is 68.4 m high. How far from the base of the cliff does the stone land?

Write out your x and y givens separately A stone is thrown horizontally at 7.50 /s from a cliff that is 68.4 m high. How far from the base of the cliff does the stone land? X givensY givens

A stone is thrown horizontally at 7.50 m/s from a cliff that is 68.4 m high. How far from the base of the cliff does the stone land? X givensY givens

Ex. 9 A baseball is thrown horizontally with a velocity of 44 m/s. It travels a horizontal distance of 18, to the plate before it is caught. a)How long does the ball stay in the air? b)How far does it drop during its flight?

A baseball is thrown horizontally with a velocity of 44 m/s. It travels a horizontal distance of 18, to the plate before it is caught. –How long does the ball stay in the air? –How far does it drop during its flight? X givensY givens

A baseball is thrown horizontally with a velocity of 44 m/s. It travels a horizontal distance of 18, to the plate before it is caught. –How long does the ball stay in the air? –How far does it drop during its flight? X givensY givens

A baseball is thrown horizontally with a velocity of 44 m/s. It travels a horizontal distance of 18, to the plate before it is caught. –How long does the ball stay in the air? –How far does it drop during its flight? X givensY givens

Example What is the initial vertical velocity of the ball? v oY = 0 m/s Same as if it was dropped from rest

2. How much time is required to get to the ground? Since v oY = 0 m/s use 2(-10) -10 t = 1.4 s

3. What is the vertical acceleration of the ball at point A? a oY = -10 m/s 2 always

4. What is the vertical acceleration at point B? a oY = -10 m/s 2 always

5. What is the horizontal velocity of the ball at point C? v X = 5 m/s (does not change)

6. How far from the edge of the cliff does the ball land in the x plane? X givens v X = 5 m/s t = 1.4 d x = ? d x = (v X )(t) d x = (5)(1.4) = 7m

What will happen if drops a package when the plane is directly over the target?

The package has the same horizontal velocity as the plane and would land far away from the target.

Section 5: What do you do different if you have projectile motion and V 0Y is not equal to 0

Projectile Motion Concepts Arrows represent x and y velocities (g always = 10 m/s 2 down)

Key points in a projectiles path When a projectile is at its highest point its v fy = 0. This means it stopped moving up. Use v fy = 0 in a question that asks you to predict the vertical distance (how high) V oY = 0 m/s

Key points in a projectiles path If an object lands at the same height its vertical velocities final magnitude equals its initial but is in the opposite direction (down) V oY = +30 m/s V fY = -30 m/s

V oY = +30 m/s V fY = -30 m/s The time it takes to rise to the top equals the time it takes to fall. –Givens to use to find time to the top: V oY = +30 m/s V fY = 0 m/s –Givens to use to find time of entire flight: V oY = +30 m/s V fY = -30 m/s

Key points in a projectiles path If a projectile lands below where it is launched the v fy magnitude will be greater than v oy and in the reverse direction

It stays constant during the entire flight (no forces acting in the x direction) It accelerates (the force of gravity is pulling it to Earth) Ex. 11 A ball of m = 2kg is thrown from the ground with a horizontal velocity of 5 m/s and rises to a height of 45 m. 1.What happens to velocity in the x direction? Why? 2.What happens to velocity in the y direction? Why?

3. Where is the projectile traveling the fastest? Why? 4. Where is the projectile traveling the slowest? What is its speed at this point? 5. Where is the acceleration of the projectile the greatest? Why? A and E (has the largest V Y component) C (has only V X component V Y =0) All (g stays -10m/s 2 )

6. What is the acceleration due to gravity at point B? 7. What is the initial vertical velocity the ball is thrown with? All (g stays -10m/s 2 ) Must solve a Y = -10m/s 2 d = 45m v o = ? V f = 0 v f 2 = v o 2 + 2ad v o = √(v f 2 – 2ad) v o = √(0 2 – 2(-10)(45) v o = 30 m/s up

8. What is the time required to reach point C if thrown from the ground? Must solve Y givens a Y = -10m/s 2 v o = +30 m/s V f = 0 m/s t = ? V fY = -30 m/s V oY = +30 m/s v f = v o + at t = (v f – v o ) a t = (0 – 30) -10 t = 3 s

9. From point C, what is the time needed to reach the ground? Same as time it took to get to the top t = 3 s

10. What is the horizontal velocity at point A? 11. What is the horizontal acceleration of the ball at point E? 5 m/s (never changes horizontally while in the air) a x = 0 m/s 2 (they asked for acceleration no horizontal acceleration) v x stays 5 m/s

12. What is the vertical acceleration due to gravity at point E? a Y = -10 m/s 2

13. How far in the x plane (what is the range) does the ball travel? Must solve X givens t= 6 seconds total in air v X = 5 m/s d X = ? d X = (v X )(t) d X = (5)(6) = 30 m

14. What would happen to the problem if the objects mass was 16 kg Nothing would change. The acceleration due to gravity is the same for any mass

More complex projectile motion problems require you separate a resultant velocity vector into its components using soh-cah- toa A stone is thrown at 25 m/s at a 40º angle with the horizon. Start with the finding the v x and v oy Then solve the problem like we have v oy

Example The punter on a football team tries to kick a football with an initial velocity of 25.0 m/s at an angle of 60.0º above the ground, what range (d x ) does it travel?

Example The punter on a football team tries to kick a football with an initial velocity of 25.0 m/s at an angle of 60.0º above the ground, what range (d x ) does it travel?

Example The punter on a football team tries to kick a football with an initial velocity of 25.0 m/s at an angle of 60.0º above the ground, what range (d x ) does it travel?

45º will get you the greatest range Range is d x Horizontal displacement

Besides 45º, two sister angles will give you the same range 45 º is would give you the greatest d x Any similar degree variation on either side of 45 º would give you the same d x Ex these would give you the same d x. 40º and 50º 30º and 60º 15º would give you the same range as what? ___________

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