Class Test 2 corrections Aim To reflect on errors and see how the correct answer has been obtained
1. In your own words, explain why Lauren Boyle, the History teacher, feels that she cannot dim the lights in her classroom, even to show a video (1 mark) "I've learned never to dim the lights, even to show a video," says Lauren Boyle, a history teacher at Waltham High School in Massachusetts. "If I do, there are days when a third of the class falls asleep. “ 1. The students may start falling asleep since the lights are dimmed and conducive for sleep (1) 2. It is because students are tired from not enough sleeping and means they cannot concentrate on their studies. 3. When you dim the lights, it makes it easier for you to sleep 4. Dimming the lights will make them more restless
2. Why is it important to form good sleep habits at a young age? (2 marks) Continuous lack of sleep is tied to diabetes, heart disease, depression and a shortened life span in adults, highlighting the importance of establishing good sleep habits early in life 1. Continuous lack of sleep (1) is linked to health problems such as diabetes, depression, and a shortened life span in adults (1) 2. It is important as insufficient rest will cause more learning, health, behaviour and mood problems. 3. Continuous lack of sleep could result in diabetes and many more illnesses 4. It is because if good sleeping habits are formed at a young age the person will understand more about sleep and will avoid sleeping late.
3. What does the research done by Case Western Research University show about the sleep patterns in adolescents? (1 mark) researchers at Case Western Reserve University found that more than half of students slept seven hours or less, and almost one in five got less than six hours 1. More than half of students researched on sleep seven hours or less, and almost one in five get less than six hours (1) 2. It shows that adolescents tend to sleep late at night and do not have enough energy the next day 3. Very few adolescents are able to get the sleep they needed 4. The research shows that adolescents who sleep late will wake up weary and have concentration problems
4. What does ‘ this ’ in line 18 refer to? (1 mark) We can blame multitasking for some of this 1. It refers to the situation of adolescents not getting the sleep they need (1) 2. It refers to the eighty-two percent of students who wake up weary and more than half who had trouble concentrating during the day 3. ‘ This ’ refers to the hours of sleeping time the students have 4. ‘ This ’ refers to the trouble concentrating during the day
5. What does the term ‘ obligations ’ in line 20 refer to? (1 mark) Many students are juggling after-school activities, homework and part-time jobs. Even when they manage to fulfil these obligations 1. It refers to the responsibilities and commitments that teenagers have, such as after-school activities, homework and part-time jobs (1) 2. The term ‘ obligations refers to given tasks 3. It refers to television, the internet, video games, phone calls and text messaging friends 4. ‘ obligations ’ in line 20 refers to multi-task 5. Work.
6. Other than their obligations, what other factors contribute to the teenagers ’ lack of sleep? (2 marks) Even when they manage to fulfil these obligations by a reasonable hour, television, the Internet, videogames, phone calls and text messages to friends often keep them awake deep into the night. Taking caffeinated soda and energy drinks late in the day and going to late-night parties on weekends add to sleep debt. 1. Activities, such as watching television that keep them awake late into the night (1) and taking caffeinated drinks or energy drinks (1) and going to late night parties on weekends (1) (ANY TWO) 2. Internet, video games, phone calls and text messages keep them awake into the night (only 1 point made) 3. Entertainment and caffeined or energy drinks 4. Going to late night parties (only 1)
7. In your own words, explain what is meant by ‘ sleep debt ’ (line 23) (1 mark) add to sleep debt 1. Rest that adolescents owe themselves so that they ’ ll be healthy (1) 2. It means the continuous lack of sleep 3. Sleep debt means when you sleep very long into the weekend 4. It means to repay their sleeping time 5. It means it adds to the reasons why you cannot sleep
8. How do biological factors contribute to a teen ’ s sleep deficiency? (1 mark) Biology also works against adolescents' sleep. The body's internal clock, which controls when a person starts to feel tired, shifts after puberty; making it hard for most teens to fall asleep before 11 p.m 1. The body ’ s internal clock, which controls when a person starts to feel tired, shifts after puberty making it hard for most teens to fall asleep before 11p.m. (1) 2. The body ’ s alarm clock tells us when we are tired and need to sleep 3. Biological factors after puberty it is harder for teens to sleep early 4. It shows that the body ’ s internal clock controls mostly when they are tired or during puberty
9. When do teens need to stay alert the most? Why do you think this is so? (2 marks) Class usually begins before 8:15 a.m., with many high schools starting as early as 7:15 a.m. To get to school on time, most teens have to get up by 6:30 a.m., guaranteeing they will be sleep-deprived during the week 1. During the week at school (1) Any reasonable opinion e.g. they need to pay attention so they can study well and get good jobs later in life (1) 2. In the morning, as they need to study, learn and be careful as they are outside 3. Teens need to stay most alert on a Saturday and Sunday night. Because if they do not have enough sleep their body clock will not get used to sleeping early the next day. 4. Teens need to stay alert most after puberty, as the body ’ s internal clock shifts after puberty.
10. What evidence is there to show that starting school at a slightly later time has a positive effect? (2 marks) The results have been encouraging: more sleep, increased attendance and better grades. For example, ninth graders' daily attendance rose from 83 percent to 87 percent and overall grades went up slightly when high schools in Minneapolis moved the start time from 7:15 to 8:40 a.m 1. Schools that have tried it have seen increased attendance and better grades (1). Ninth graders ’ daily attendance rose from 83% to 87% and overall grades went up when high schools in Minneapolis moved start time from 7.15am to 8.40am. 2. The evidence was that with more sleep, it increased attendance and students had better grades (1 mark only)
11. How can parents help their children get the right amount of sleep? (3 marks) Firstly, parents can educate their children about sleep [ … ] Secondly, parents can help their teenagers to keep a regular sleep and wake schedule, and develop pre-sleep routines [ … ] Thirdly, parents can limit the caffeine intake of their children 1. Parents can educate their children about sleep (1), they can help children keep a regular sleep and wake schedule and develop pre-sleep routines (1) and they can limit their caffeine intake (1) 2. Parents should make sure the teens have a regular bedtime on school night, avoid staying up more than an on weekdays. They can also keep an eye on their late- night activities and electronic games or devices such as TV or videogames should be kept in the living room. Lastly, they can limit the usage of caffeine (1 mark only)
12. How does having a regular sleep and wake schedule help adolescents to get enough rest? (1 mark) Secondly, parents can help their teenagers to keep a regular sleep and wake schedule, and develop pre-sleep routines. This conditions the body to expect to go to bed and get up at the same time every day. 1. It conditions the body to expect to go to bed and get up at the same time everyday (1) 2. They sleep and wake at the same time 3. So that they have enough energy to do their best in school and enjoy their social lives 4. Teenagers would not feel weary in school
13. How does moving activities such as watching TV and playing video games out of the bedroom help to solve the problem? (2 marks) Teens are less likely to stay up late if these entertainment options are less accessible. Moving these activities out of the bedroom also gives parents a more realistic picture of when their kids really go to sleep. 1. Teens are less likely to stay up later if these entertainment options are less accessible (1) and it gives parents a more realistic picture of when their kids really go to sleep (1) 2. So when the child is in the room when he is supposed to sleep he won ’ t be distracted by wanting to watch TV or play with videogames. 3. They will have nothing to do in their room and thus will sleep early
14. Explain the meaning of the following words in less than 7 words (5 marks) i) Coax - parents are once again struggling to coax and, if need be, drag their exhausted teenagers out of bed cajole, persuade force, encourage ii) Weary - eighty-two percent said they woke up weary tired sleepy iii) Juggling - Many students are juggling after-school activities, homework and part-time jobs managing, coping with, dealing with, trying to balance iv) Monitor - Parents can also monitor their teenagers' late- night activities Check, supervise, to watch/observe closely, keep an eye on observe v) Perpetuating - make it harder to fall asleep, perpetuating a cycle of bad sleep and daytime fatigue Continuing
1. With stress from work and family commitments 2. It may also occur when children are left with childminders 3. Who may be too busy with other kids 4. Apart from physical abuse, parents who constantly leave their children alone at home 5. Causes neglect and loneliness in the child 6. Parents who have financial problems may also take it out on the children 7. Whom they see as a financial burden 8. Substance abuse may also result in child abuse where the addicts may not know what they are doing 9. Until it is too late 10. Another reason could be due to these child abusers being victims of child abuse themselves
11. They treat their children the way they were treated and it becomes a vicious cycle 12. The Child Protection Act fails to see child abuse as an eminent danger and protect the child from harm 13. Help should be given to abusive parents to give them the support they need 14. To curb child abuse. 10 marks = points made 5 marks = language/style