Meet the Teacher/Parent Orientation Welcome Goals 5 th Grade Curriculum Grading Classroom Rules Planner/Tues. Folder Parent Conference Day October 12 th Q & A and Wrap-up
Goals To assist all students to achieve and maintain academic excellence To prepare students for 6 th grade To teach students using TEKS To teach students to be responsible lifelong learners To have fun with the students!
Fifth Grade Curriculum 5 th Grade Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills can be found at: Texas Education Association Website
Grading Grading Scale A = B = C = D = F = A = Full Accomplishment B = Substantial Accomplishment C= Partial Accomplishment D = Student Difficulty Subjective Grading
STAAR for 5th Grade Math: March 29, 2016 Reading: March 30, 2016 Science: May 11, 2016 Retest: Math: May 9, 2016 Reading: May 10, 2016
District Grading Policy Major Grades = 50% Daily Grade = 50 % Parents can monitor child’s grades through GradeSpeed/Tuesday Folders
Classroom Rules Be respectful to self, others & property. Be responsible Be an active learner. Consequences: Loss of privileges, recess, and Dojo points taken away
Classroom Dojo Students can receive positive points for class participation, being on task, returning homework and Tuesday folders, helping others or the teacher, and various other positive behaviors. Students can have points deducted for negative behaviors such as: not returning homework, being off task, disrupting class, talking out of turn, being disrespect, and various other negative behaviors. Students with the highest points per class will receive a weekly prize. General conduct grades reflected in their Tuesday folders are determined by the percentage of positive points earned on Dojo
Tuesday Folders Communication of student’s progress Please review and discuss papers in the folder with your child, Parents must sign and return folder on Wednesday, along with any papers that may need to be signed and/or corrected, Keep all other papers. Dojo reports will be sent home for review and are yours to keep.
Blackshear Planner Daily organizer used by students Daily communicator for teacher and parents Used for Goal Setting - Caring and Learning Goals Reference tool Signatures weekly on the spelling list attached in their planner
Attendance and Tardies Attendance – students are expected to be in school every day unless he is prevented by illness, death in the family, or other legitimate reasons acceptable under Board of Trustee’s policy or state law. Please call when absent and send a note upon return. Absence - in the event a pupil is absent from school for any reason, he is required on his return to school to bring a written excuse signed by his parents as to why the child was absent. Tardiness - students that arrive after 8:20 am must report to the office for a tardy slip for admission to class.
Homework Homework is a practice of the skills learned in class. Students will have homework every night. Consult the planner for homework assignments. “Buffalo Challenge” – STAAR Prep homework will begin when we return from the winter break. Failure to complete homework three times within a nine week period will result in parent contact.
Contacting Information Leave urgent messages with front office Dial , press “0” to leave a message You can also send us a message through Classroom Dojo
Contact Information Heather Gutierrez Brooke La More
Contacting YOU Mrs. Gutierrez s parents every weekend. If you are not currently part of the list, please be sure to add your to the sign in sheet so you can be added to the weekly . Ms. La More would like to all parents periodically about important information, if you can add your to the sign in list she will be able to contact parents.
Blackshear Online Visit the Blackshear Online for:Blackshear Online School Lunch and Breakfast Menu Blackshear Calendar Teacher website
Conference Periods: 10:00 – 10:45 Monday – Friday (excluding Tuesday) Before or After School Conferences must be by prior appointment.. Please make appointments for conferences.
Conference Day October 12, 2015 Please sign up for a time!