Morning Procedures for Think Zone Come into Class Quietly & Orderly Sharpen Pencils Take a Seat Write Down ALL Core Class Homework Assignments No Talking During Moment of Silence, Morning Announcements, & Pledge of Allegiance Wait to be DISMISSED by Rows by the TEACHER to your next class
Important Info.Contd. Important information: Test scores and other relevant materials are sent home every Wednesday in a folder which is needed to be signed by parents. Planners are also required to be signed every night by parents.
MATH Class Procedures Line up Quietly beside lockers and wait to be admitted to class Complete DAILY Focus Activity Listen Actively during Instruction Time. Complete all Activities in Complete SILENCE! Listen Actively & Participate in Teacher Directed Lessons Complete ALL Independent & Group Activities Clean up areas, return materials to appropriate spots, and wait to be dismissed to your next class
Our Classroom Rules Respect Yourself & Your peers Respect ALL Teachers and Staff Members Respect School Property
Consequences for Breaking Our Classroom Rules Verbal Warning Teacher/Student Conference Phone Call or Note Home Time out in another teacher’s Room Administrative Referral
Consequences for Following Our Classroom Rules Positive Calls/Notes Home Free Computer Time Sweet Treats Incentive Field Trips
MATh Class Grading Policy Homework=20% of Total Average Class work=20% Quizzes/Tests=20% of Total Average Projects/Binder=20% of Total Average Participation=20% of Total Average
Grading Scale A =100%-93% B = 92%-85% C = 84%-77% D = 76%-70% F = 69% & Below
Important Information Homework sheet (yellow), Weekly Essentials sheet (pink) and Daily Focus sheet (blue) will be given to the students every Monday or beginning of the week. Homework is due Friday Weekly Essentials are due Thursday Daily Focus is done everyday in class Monday & Wednesday-Note Taking Tuesday-Test/Quiz Thursday-Weekly Essentials Friday-Review of the work done during the week and Homework turn in.
Important Info.Contd. Test scores and other relevant materials are sent home every Wednesday in a folder which is need to be signed by parents. Planners are also required to be signed every night by parents.