Hoarding and self-neglect Practice development. Why it matters.


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Presentation transcript:

Hoarding and self-neglect Practice development

Why it matters

Defining the issues Hoarding: excessive collection of objects, sometimes systematic and ‘ordered’. Association with anxiety and OCD issues Self neglect: very poor personal and property hygiene. Observed association with trauma (eg death of spouse) Contested concept in social work practice – focus on capacity

Why it matters Fire Risks to neighbourhood Additional risks for fire fighters Public health impact on neighbourhood Damage to neighbouring properties HCA (social housing regulator) Local Government Ombudsman

Our approach Central West LDG discussion Feb 2014 Focus on practice in the first instance Real cases analysed in real time with learning points developed from each meeting Active participation by Landlord Services, Midland Heart & Fire Service Partially by mental health and adults and communities

Identifying and assessing Key role of gas and repairs contractors (note non-gas serviced properties may not be visited) Assessing and diagnosing cases and making prompt effective referrals to fire service Developing Grading and Assessment Tool

Responding and Enforcing Enforcement action needs to be prepared and understood within overall strategy Legal tools include Court of Protection where lack of capacity identified Further engagement and inter-disciplinary understanding required with mental health, GPs and Adults and Communities Safeguarding may not be relevant

Further work Training and support for frontline staff Commissioning specialist support services? Develop Joint Agency group for referral of cases? Central West LDG to host summit for others in the City?