Measuring and Comparing Crime in and Across Nations Shih-ya Kuo (Connie)
Why do we need criminal statistics? Understand the crime trend Identify the problem Find solutions
What are the statistical data on crime available in the U.S? Uniform Crime Reports (UCR): compiled by FBI since 1929 National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS): U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics conducted since 1972
What are the problems of UCR and NCVS? Reporting Problem: underreporting, overreporting Recording Problem
Difficulties of Comparing Crime Rates Across Nations Legal definitions of Crime Recording Problem Inferential Problem
Transnational Crime Internationally Organized Crime International Terrorism Economic Crimes Human Trafficking Drug Trafficking
Traditional Policing Measures Reported Crime Response Time Arrests Crime Clearance Rates Workload: Calls for Service, Self-Initiated Activity Citizen Contacts Citizen Complaints Major Events
Community problem-Oriented Policing Measures Problem Solving: SARA Citizen Satisfaction Repeat Business Displacement Neighborhood Indicators