Bristol, 23-24 September 2008 Tasks up to the next steering committee WP1 (Energie-Cités) Consortium agreement (D1.1.1 – month 2) Board of performance.


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Presentation transcript:

Bristol, September 2008 Tasks up to the next steering committee WP1 (Energie-Cités) Consortium agreement (D1.1.1 – month 2) Board of performance indicators (D1.1.2 – month 6, template month 2) WP2 (DMU) Country reports on the complementarities of the Display® Poster and Campaign and the national implementation scheme (D2.1 – month 6) Verification and completion of the background document Filling in a set of ppt slides on similarities and differences (month 2) Update the communication handbook (D2.4 – month 6) WP3 (Cork County Council) Each local authority to start its local communication activities Organise/prepare your first National users club meeting

Bristol, September 2008 WP4 (Energie- Cités ) Adapt application form for 2009 launch announcement (D4.1 – month 3) Launch of the award competition (month 2) Setting up Jury (month 2) Source sponsors for the award in 2009 (month 2) WP5 (EuroACE) Pilot group of companies to test Display (Task 5.1 – now until month 8) WP6 (Energie-Cités) Review of existing website (D6.1 now until month 6) E-news flash – every month except summer holidays Tasks up to the next steering committee

Bristol, September 2008 Appointments Steering Committee Meeting Next Steering Committee Meeting: Brussels, Tuesday 21 April – Wednesday 22 April Display European Users Club Display European Users Club Meeting: Brussels, Tuesday 21 April – Wednesday 22 April Annual Rendezvous Energie-Cités Annual Rendezvous Energie-Cités Brussels, Wednesday 22 April – Friday 24 April Incl. TCA Award ceremony (23 April) Discussion, other matters and conclusion

Bristol, September 2008 End of the meeting Thank you for your participation! CYBER Display