Dr. Khaled Gharaibeh Grant holder of Tempus Project No. 511074 Yarmouk University 27/11/2011.


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Presentation transcript:

Dr. Khaled Gharaibeh Grant holder of Tempus Project No Yarmouk University 27/11/2011

Contents  Project Summary  General Tips  Writing a Tempus project proposal as grant holder  Planning the Plan (The proposal)  Specific Tips on  E-Application  Budget  The Logical Framework Matrix  Further Advice

Project Summary An Industry Oriented MSc. Program in Telecommunications Engineering- Towards and EU Approach Project Title MTE-EUAProject Acronym The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) - European Union Funding Agency TEMPUSProgramme Joint ProjectsSub-programme EACEA No. 28/09Programme guide /Call for proposals Curricular ReformAction

General Tips  There is NO ‘magic’ tip for a proposal to be accepted but There are reasons for a proposal NOT to be accepted- Avoid these! First Tip

General Tips Second Tip  Decide on being a grant holder from the very beginning There is a lot of work to do if you decide to be: Management of the proposal writing and submission

General Tips Third Tip  Try to have your partners ready and choose good Contact Persons from each partner If you can’t find good and enough partners, give up and wait for a future call  To find partners:  Subscribe to TEMPUS-TALK and check requests for partners  If necessary advertise through National TEMPUS Office

General Tips Key advice 1.Attend Tempus days and network with people even if you do not have an idea for a project Read carefully the section on how the projects are selected 2.Read about HE system in Europe Bologna Process Tempus funding philosophy 3.Think of an idea related to higher education at your institution – requires 1 year to think about and brainstorm with colleagues and potential partners Remember: Tempus is not about research

The Idea 3/ /2009 Deadline: 9/3/2010  The idea started 2 years before submitting the proposal “ A need to reform the existing Master program to suit the needs of industry”  Brainstormed with colleagues and superiors  Clearer idea on funding was obtained from Tempus day Dec Idea Deadline 20 Writing a Successful Tempus Proposal First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win! -Mahatma Gandhi

The Idea 3/2008-8/2009 Deadline: 9/3/2010  The Tempus call for proposals was read and decision on where the idea fits was made: Themes Curricular Reform Actions Joint Project National/regional priorities Curricular Reform Deadlines 3/2010 Idea Deadline 20 Writing a Successful Tempus Proposal

 Contacted and consulted potential partners (informally)  Consulted NTO about our ideas and national priorities Prof. Abu Elhaija is always happy to answer your questions but remember it is your baby not his ! Idea Deadline 20 Writing a Successful Tempus Proposal The Idea 3/2008-8/2009 Deadline: 9/3/2010

First Draft 8/2009 Deadline: 9/3/2010  A draft about our idea (a seed for a proposal) was prepared: The idea Rationale Expected outcomes/outputs Expected activities This document is good for you so that you always remember what your project is about Idea First Draft Deadline 20 Writing a Successful Tempus Proposal 19

 Legal person (President, Vice President) were consulted (informally) to check if the idea is acceptable by YU Remember: the legal person of your institution is the one who signs the application (and later on the contract) not you, so make him aware of your ideas in a good time before he signs If no feedback, then just proceed! Idea Deadline Consultation: Legal person, partners, NTO 20 Writing a Successful Tempus Proposal First Draft 19 First Draft 8/2009 Deadline: 9/3/2010

Partner Search 8/ /2009 Deadline: 9/3/2010  Started looking for partners (online)  Checked if potential partners are Eligible Have capacity to carry out activities Have contact persons that you know An ineligible partner can terminate your application at the very early stage of review Writing a Successful Tempus Proposal Idea Deadline Consultation: Legal person, partners, NTO 20 First Draft 19 Partner search Call for Partnership

 Prepared a 4-7 page “Call for Partnership” and sent out to potential partners.  The call contained: A description of the idea Objectives/Outcomes/Activities Space: ____________ State clearly your contribution for the project activities (They must fit in, otherwise forget about them!) Writing a Successful Tempus Proposal Idea Deadline Consultation: Legal person, partners, NTO 20 First Draft 19 Partner search Call for Partnership Partner Search 8/ /2009 Deadline: 9/3/2010

 “Call for Partnership” was used to contact as many partners as possible (about 20 EU institutions were contacted)  Minimum number of partners required for our project is 6 (3 from EU and 3 from PC) Writing a Successful Tempus Proposal Idea Deadline Consultation: Legal person, partners, NTO 20 First Draft 19 Partner search Call for Partnership Partner Search 8/ /2009 Deadline: 9/3/2010

JO partners:  HU: o have relevant programs o do not have a Master program  GJU: o experience with Bologna o has relevant expertise in industry oriented programs Writing a Successful Tempus Proposal Idea Deadline Consultation: Legal person, partners, NTO 20 First Draft 19 Partner search Call for Partnership Partner Search 8/ /2009 Deadline: 9/3/2010

EU partners:  DCU: o relevant programs o Expertise in QC and Accreditation  QMUL: o experience with IET accreditation o has relevant expertise in industry oriented programs  UPV o has relevant expertise in industry oriented programs Writing a Successful Tempus Proposal Idea Deadline Consultation: Legal person, partners, NTO 20 First Draft 19 Partner search Call for Partnership Partner Search 8/ /2009 Deadline: 9/3/2010

Instructions/Guidelines 12/2009-3/2010 Deadline: 9/3/2010  Instructions/guidelines on how to fill the application were read carefully Theme, action, Single or multi country project  Too many instructions? Yes! but you have to read them at least 3 times  Do not rely on people’s experience- instruction change and past experience as a partner (not grant holder) is not enough to give advice Writing a Successful Tempus Proposal Idea Deadline Consultation: Legal person, partners, NTO 20 First Draft 19 Partner search Call for Partnership Application Writing

The Application 31/12/2009-9/3/2010 Deadline: 9/3/2010  Started filling the application and other related documents Have your partners participate in filling the application Writing a Successful Tempus Proposal Idea Deadline Consultation: Legal person, partners, NTO 20 First Draft 19 Partner search Call for Partnership Application Writing

The Application 31/12/2009-9/3/2010 Deadline: 9/3/2010  A draft of Application budget LFM sent to legal person office for review before paper work is signed Remember: the legal person of your institution is the one who signs the application (and later on the contract) not you so make him aware of your ideas in a good time before he signs Writing a Successful Tempus Proposal Idea Deadline Consultation: Legal person, partners, NTO 20 First Draft 19 Partner search Call for Partnership Application Writing

Supporting Documents 1/2/2010-1/3/2010 Deadline: 9/3/2010  The following documents were prepared; signed and stamped by the deadline (took a month to get the signed paper forms back from partners): Mandates by all partners Declaration of honor Bank Statement Legal Entities Form Profit and Loss Accounts Mandates, etc. Writing a Successful Tempus Proposal Idea Deadline Consultation: Legal person, partners, NTO 20 First Draft 19 Partner search Call for Partnership Application Writing

Submission 3/2010 Deadline: 9/3/2010  Consulted NTO again on the package (one week before the deadline) They give good advice on submission procedure  Submitted proposal along with all required documents and waited for the result (took about 6 months for evaluation) Writing a Successful Tempus Proposal Mandates, etc. Idea Deadline Consultation: Legal person, partners, NTO 20 First Draft 19 Partner search Call for Partnership Application Writing

The Application  Your application is like the story that you tell to your little son before sleep-- he cannot forgive you if you mess it up! Coherence between Objectives—Outcomes/Outputs—Activities– Budget  Think of your project as a system Objectives Reached after you conduct the project Inputs Required before/throughout conducting the project

The Application Objectives Develop and reform programs at lead and other partners Enhance teaching and learning through building capacity Objectives related to benefits of the project to partners (ask them) Inputs A Work Plan Budget Plan Staff days Mobility of staff and students Equipment Other cost Printing and publishing  Management  Quality Plan  Development  Dissemination  Exploitation

Tips The E-Application Make sure that one person writes the story Consult colleagues and partners Distribute roles and have ‘right’ people’ provide the pieces

Tips The E-Application - If it does not, then remove it! - If it does, state that clearly in the description of the WP and Del. Connect deliverables in time and relate to objectives Each work- package consists of a number of deliverables

Tips The E-Application Make sure your inputs are eligible-- Eligible cost Make sure you have a clear idea on Management and QC of your project

Tips Budget -dangerous; may introduce activities that are unnecessary or do not contribute to objectives If you had to make changes to the application after it is complete, then make sure to reflect that on the budget and LFM Do not start from budget and then design your activities accordingly Apply consistent numbering in e- application, LFM and budget

Tips The LFM Inputs Numbering Sequence of activities Consistency between - E-Application - LFM - Budget is Very Important

Further advice! Read carefully the section on how the projects are selected Read carefully and in good time /documents/ /instructions_en.pdf /documents/ /instructions_en.pdf Start filling in the application form in good time. Available from: /call_eacea_28_2009_en.php /call_eacea_28_2009_en.php

For More Information Visit our project website: You can find information about our project, objectives, activities, dissemination material, reports, etc. Consult me or my colleagues by