Computer Networking - Ethical aspects of the Internet Dr Sandra I. Woolley
2 The Technology and Ethics of Internet Behaviour Private study questions for assessment and in-class discussion. Does everyone have a right to privacy? Why is Internet misuse increasingly common as a reason for employment dismissal? What is on-line disinhibition and why is it a problem? White hat, grey hat, black hat – what are the ethics of hacking? Is the “dark Internet” as dark as it seems? Does TOR ensure anonymity? Is that phone/device on or off? Are deleted messages deleted?
Mass Surveillance Edward Snowdon was contracted to the American National Security Agency (NSA) and released a large number of classified documents regarding global surveillance. Thomas Andrews Drake had been a senior NSA executive. His case was referred to by Snowdon. Opinion is polarised and whether Snowdon is a “Hero or Traitor?” is debated in the media. How is the case of Drake relevant? What is at the substance of the constitutional disagreement?
Online disinhibition effect Suler defined six factors to account for online disinhibition and differentiated between benign and toxic disinhibition. What are benign and toxic behaviours? What are the six factors? Which is the dominant factor? Example: The Twitter troll experience accounted by Leo Traynor was discussed in class as an example of toxic disinhibition.
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