(Extremely) Simplified Model of Speech Production Periodic source voiced Filters Coupling Speech unvoiced Noise source
Channel Vocoder, Synthesizer component
Channel Vocoder, Analyzer component
Vocoders: vocal tract synthesis Short time spectral synthesis Linear predictive synthesis Cepstral synthesis Formant synthesis
Vocoders: vocal tract analysis Short time spectral analysis Linear predictive analysis Cepstral analysis Formant analysis
Vocoders: vocal source analysis Pitch detection Voiced/unvoiced decision
Fine structure and Spectral Envelope
Narrow and wideband filterbank spectral analyses
Wideband spectrogram
Figure 3.5: Narrow band spectrogram
Source-Filter Separation by Cepstral Analysis
LPC spectral envelope estimation
Formant Analysis Peak picking from smoothed spectrum Root-finding from LPC polynomial - finding second-order sections In general, position more important than bandwidth Deterministic or statistical analysis to find best formant “track”
Ed Lee Vocoder Page http://ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu/~eal/audio/vocoder.html
Linux Vocoder Page http://www.sirlab.de/linux/descr_vocoder.html
How does the speech sound with the middle spectrum differ from the left one? From the right?