Developmental Reading Assessment
DRA Background In 1983, the US Department of Education published A Nation At Risk, a report that describes the reading ability of students. Results showed the “rising tide of mediocrity,” suggesting that public schools did not educate students as well as they once did in the areas of reading and other important subjects.
DRA Background In 1986, the state of Ohio responded to A Nation at Risk by undertaking a competency-based educational reform initiative that required districts to identify students at risk of reading failure. Resulting in the 1988 development of DRA.
DRA Background In 2001, as part of the No Child Left Behind Act, President Bush offered an assistance program to state and local education agencies to apply science-based reading research and its tools to improve reading instruction for K through grade 8. States may use the DRA, K-8 to meet this need to monitor and evaluate the reading skills of students.
DRA Features Administered and interpreted by classroom teachers through individual conferences. Assess comprehension and fluency in Kg through 8th grade. More than a decade of research and development has gone into the DRA, proving its validity and reliability. The EDL, the Spanish version of the DRA has the same purpose and features as DRA K-8.
Purpose of DRA 1.To measure how well students read literature 2.To monitor student growth and development on a variety of crucial skills and strategies used by successful readers 3.To help teachers diagnose student needs and plan for timely instruction 4.To prepare student’s success at meeting today’s classroom and testing expectations 5.To inform parents and other stakeholders of student achievement level
DRA Measurements Engagement Fluency—Accuracy Rate Comprehension Reading Stage
DRA Testing Components PART 1: Preview and Prediction PART 2: Comprehension PART 3: Reading Conference PART 4:Teacher Analysis
DRA Training Video Demonstration
DRA K-3 components include: DRA Comprehensive Teacher Sources Guide. 20 Original Benchmark Books - Narrative Text. 20 Alternative Benchmark Books - Informational and Narrative Text. Observation Guide and Reporting Form Blackline masters. Continuum Folder. Organizer with Hanging Folders. DRA Online Management System
The ABCs of Listening to Your Students Read A lways be positive! B e patient! C herish this special time!