ATF Firearms and Explosives Services Division (FESD)
FESD Programs 1. Administer Statutory Licensing, Permitting, Registration & Tax/Fee collection functions 2. Industry Outreach/Customer Service 3. Field Investigative Support
FESD Branches 1. The National Firearms Act Branch (NFA) 2. The Firearms and Explosives Imports Branch (FEIB) 3. The Federal Firearms Licensing Center (FFLC) 4. The Federal Explosives Licensing Center (FELC)
FESD Org Chart
National Firearms Act Branch Effective April of 2012, the NFA Branch began utilizing contract research assistants. Advantages Include: - Increased Application Volume - Increased Assignment Flexibility
National Firearms Act Branch
Historical NFA Statistics are Updated at:
National Firearms Act Branch MT WA OR ID CA NV UT WY CO AZ NM TX AK ND SD NE KS OK MN IA MO AR MS LA MI WI IL IN OH KY TN AL FL GA SC NY PA HI WV VA NC ME VT NH MA MD DE NJ CT RI Chris Farris Jason Bowers Sara JonesAlbert Lamberger Shannon Siviero Nicole Dudash Jason Frushour Sandra SnookDana Pickles Ann Feltner NFA Branch State Assignments May 2012
National Firearms Act Branch Branch Chief – Ed Saavedra (304)
The Federal Firearms Licensing Center (FFLC) Currently Services over 129,000 Federal Firearms Licensees Currently Services over 129,000 Federal Firearms Licensees Acts as a primary call center for firearms industry Acts as a primary call center for firearms industry FESD printing center – 17,000 print jobs per month FESD printing center – 17,000 print jobs per month
The Federal Firearms Licensing Center (FFLC)
FFL Importers 167
The Federal Firearms Licensing Center (FFLC) FFL Manufacturers
The Federal Firearms Licensing Center (FFLC) FFL Dealers & Pawnbrokers 51
Federal Firearms Licensing Center Chief Tracey Robertson (866)
FESD Program Highlights E-Forms Update ATF continues to work with the ATF Office of Science and Technology on our e-Forms project. ATF continues to work with the ATF Office of Science and Technology on our e-Forms project. E4473 was updated to reflect the current version that was required as of July 9, E4473 was updated to reflect the current version that was required as of July 9, 2012.
AFMER - ATF Form – Annual Firearms Manufacturing and Exportation Report. - Due April 30 for the preceding calendar year’s manufacturing activity. - All licensed manufacturers must file, even if they have not manufactured anything during the year. - Refer to the AFMER FAQ on
AFMER Statistics AFMER Statistics are Available at Interim report was just released in July of Final Report will be released in early 2013
Questions??? Firearms and Explosives Services Division Division Chief Stephen Albro (304)