Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage Dr. Anna Lobovikov-Katz -Technion – Israel Institute of Technology Educational Toolkit Values and Awareness Module 1 Basic Course Topic1.2 Why should we preserve cultural heritage ? Teaching Material
Dr. Anna Lobovikov-Katz -Technion – Israel Institute of Technology Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage Slide 2 Copyright ©ELAICH Beneficiaries This material is an integral part of the “ELAICH – educational toolkit” and developed as part of the project ELAICH – Educational Linkage Approach in Cultural Heritage within the framework of EuroMed Cultural Heritage 4 Programme under grant agreement ENPI All rights reserved to the ELAICH Beneficiaries. This material, in its entirety only, may be used in "fair use" only as part of the ELAICH – educational toolkit for the educational purposes by non-profit educational establishments or in self-education, by any means at all times and on any downloads, copies and or, adaptations, clearly indicating “©ELAICH Beneficiaries ” and making reference to these terms. Use of the material amounting to a distortion or mutilation of the material or is otherwise prejudicial to the honor or reputation of ELAICH Beneficiaries is forbidden. Use of parts of the material is strictly forbidden. No part of this material may be: (1) used other than intended (2) copied, reproduced or distributed in any physical or electronic form (3) reproduced in any publication of any kind (4) used as part of any other teaching material in any framework; unless prior written permission of the ELAICH Beneficiaries has been obtained. Disclaimer This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the ELAICH Consortium and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union. Photographs: Courtesy of Anna Lobovikov-Katz
Dr. Anna Lobovikov-Katz -Technion – Israel Institute of Technology Abstract Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage Slide 3 This presentation of the topic 1.2. Why should we preserve cultural heritage? extends the basic introduction to the theme of the value of cultural heritage which was provided in the topic 1.1. What is cultural heritage? The topic 1.2. presents and explains the complex interaction between the “values” of built (or architectural) heritage and its “deterioration” and therefore provides a basis for understanding the reasons for preservation of cultural (built) heritage.
Dr. Anna Lobovikov-Katz -Technion – Israel Institute of Technology Content Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage Slide 4 Content of Topic Why should we preserve cultural heritage? General introduction Values of built heritage Values versus deterioration
Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage Why should we preserve cultural heritage? - Slide 5 The answer to the question: why should we preserve cultural heritage, consists of two main parts: Because we need it (i.e.– it is valuable, it is of value for us) Because if we don’t preserve it – we loose it (it is subject to material deterioration) Actually, conservation or preservation of cultural heritage is a never ending struggle against its material deterioration, through the ongoing effort of preserving its values. Slide 5 Dr. A. Lobovikov-Katz, Arch. – Topic 1.2: Why should we preserve cultural heritage? Slide General introduction
Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage General introduction Cultural heritage Values + Deterioration _ Slide 6 This scheme illustrates the balance of “positive” (values which are the reason for preservation) and “negative” (material deterioration which tends to erase the evidences of values) in cultural heritage, regarding its preservation. Dr. A. Lobovikov-Katz, Arch. – Topic 1.2: Why should we preserve cultural heritage?
Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage Slide 7 The decisions and efforts to preserve cultural heritage in general, and built heritage in particular, up to every single historic building or site, are made because it is of value to us, e.g. we feel comfortable in a familiar architectural surrounding, or we wonder and enjoy the beauty of specific historic buildings, they are an important part of the image of our town, or because we use these buildings, etc. Besides economical value, a brief list of conservation-related values might be presented as follows: aesthetic, architectural, artistic (contribution to) urban/ rural/ natural (cultural) landscape archaeological technological emotional, sentimental, symbolic religious; political; historic; etc. Slide 7 Dr. A. Lobovikov-Katz, Arch. – Topic 1.2: Why should we preserve cultural heritage? Values - changing over the time
Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage Slide 8 aesthetic, architectural, artistic urban/ rural/ natural (cultural) landscape archaeological technological emotional, sentimental, symbolic religious; political; historic; etc. Slide 8 Dr. A. Lobovikov-Katz, Arch. – Topic 1.2: Why should we preserve cultural heritage? Values - changing over the time
Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage Slide 9 Relevant importance of values of each single historic building or site often changes over the years: e.g. a building built for political reasons – to demonstrate visibly and clearly the strength of a certain political power, would be most probably built by the best architects, sculptors, craftsmen of the time, thus becoming an outstanding work of architecture and arts (aesthetic, architectural, artistic values). Yet its historical value might overpower all other values in a later period. Slide 9 Dr. A. Lobovikov-Katz, Arch. – Topic 1.2: Why should we preserve cultural heritage? Values - changing over the time
Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage Slide 10 The change of power e.g. by military conquest, might bring to null its original political value in the eyes of a conqueror – new owner of the property. However, a new owner might rebuild it and add grandeur, in order to show the superior strength of a new power and thus reinforce its political value. In this case, the original architectural and artistic values would be destroyed or changed, but the political value might get even more important, as well as the historical value. Such a building will however possess all the values mentioned above, in our eyes, in accordance with the contemporary principles of conservation/ restoration of historic buildings and sites. Slide 10 Dr. A. Lobovikov-Katz, Arch. – Topic 1.2: Why should we preserve cultural heritage? Values - a contemporary approach
Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage Values Slide 11 Specific present major values of this historic site (e.g. it could include political value as well in past centuries) Dr. A. Lobovikov-Katz, Arch. – Topic 1.2: Why should we preserve cultural heritage? aesthetic, architectural, artistic (contribution to) urban/ rural/ natural (cultural) landscape archaeological technological emotional, sentimental, symbolic religious, political, historic, etc. Villa Pisani, Stra, Veneto, Italy
Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage Values Slide 12 Dr. A. Lobovikov-Katz, Arch. – Topic 1.2: Why should we preserve cultural heritage? One of the dominant values of this building is technological. Vienna aesthetic, architectural, artistic (contribution to) urban/ rural/ natural (cultural) landscape archaeological technological emotional, sentimental, symbolic religious, political, historic, etc.
Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage Values Slide 13 However, the “industrially looking “ inner (interior) space of the building has a specific architectural even “poetic” atmosphere due to overall design and proportions of its elements, i.e. – aesthetics of its technology. Dr. A. Lobovikov-Katz, Arch. – Topic 1.2: Why should we preserve cultural heritage? aesthetic, architectural, artistic (contribution to) urban/ rural/ natural (cultural) landscape; archaeological technological emotional, sentimental, symbolic religious, political, historic, etc.
Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage *Specific values of this archaeological site Avdat, Israel Values Slide 14 Dr. A. Lobovikov-Katz, Arch. – Topic 1.2: Why should we preserve cultural heritage? aesthetic, architectural, artistic (contribution to) urban/ rural/ natural (cultural) landscape archaeological technological emotional, sentimental, symbolic religious, political, historic, etc.
Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage Values Slide 15 The specific architectural values of the Cathedral of Trani, Italy, e.g. quality of architectural design, contrast of light color of stone (limestone) with the blue Mediterranean skies and the sea, inspired this aquarelle painting. Dr. A. Lobovikov-Katz, Arch. – Topic 1.2: Why should we preserve cultural heritage? aesthetic, architectural, artistic (contribution to) urban/ rural/ natural (cultural) landscape archaeological technological emotional, sentimental, symbolic religious, political, historic, etc.
Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage Text Text Text Values Artistic value Slide 16 Dr. A. Lobovikov-Katz, Arch. – Topic 1.2: Why should we preserve cultural heritage? Halki, Greece Acropolis, Athens, Greece The specific architectural values of these two different historic sites gave aesthetical “input” to these drawings
Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage Text Text Text Values “Relative” value - Global and local heritage: “Modest” historic sites like this Greek village are worth preservation as well – not only world famous outstanding sites, such as Acropolis Halki, Greece Acropolis, Athens, Greece Slide 17 Dr. A. Lobovikov-Katz, Arch. – Topic 1.2: Why should we preserve cultural heritage?
Architecture of the past influenced architecture of the latest periods. Architects and people who are interested in cultural heritage can learn a lot from the architecture of the past. They can sometimes “reconstruct” the image of ruined historic buildings, with the help of the analysis of their counterparts which remain preserved to our times. At the same time, they can also understand better the modern architectural environment in which we live. Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage Dr. A. Lobovikov-Katz, Arch. – Topic 1.2: Why should we preserve cultural heritage? Values Slide 18 past Time future Architecture of the past past Architecture future
Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage Dr. A. Lobovikov-Katz, Arch. – Topic 1.2: Why should we preserve cultural heritage? Values Erechtheion, Athens Drawing: A. Lobovikov-Katz Historic neo-classical building of the National Technical University of Athens, built in 1837 followed the architecture of ancient building of the Acropolis, specifically - Erechtheion Slide 19 “Vertical” historical influence of the architecture of the past on the architecture of the latest periods. past Time futurepast Architecture future
Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage Dr. A. Lobovikov-Katz, Arch. – Topic 1.2: Why should we preserve cultural heritage? Slide Values Historic neo-classical building of the National Technical University of Athens, built in 1837 after the architecture of ancient building of the Acropolis, specifically after Erechtheion: compare proportions of the opening. “Vertical” historical influence of the architecture of the past on the architecture of the latest periods. Erechtheion, Athens Drawing: A. Lobovikov-Katz past Time futurepast Architecture future
Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage Dr. A. Lobovikov-Katz, Arch. – Topic 1.2: Why should we preserve cultural heritage? Slide Values And yet “Vertical” historical influence might be not only artistic/ architectural/ aesthetical, - but also technological. In this example in Malta, a historic building technique is adjusted to modern building technology and applied in modern construction. past Time futurepast Architecture future Old MaltaNew Malta
Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage Dr. A. Lobovikov-Katz, Arch. – Topic 1.2: Why should we preserve cultural heritage? Mahpelah Cave, Hebron and Temple Mount, Jerusalem, Israel Values Slide 22 “ Horizontal” architectural influence: similarity of these two structures of the Herodian period – overall proportions, size and type of stone and stone dressing. These two historic sites of outstanding significance can exemplify the full list of values. past Time future Architecture of the past
Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage Dr. A. Lobovikov-Katz, Arch. – Topic 1.2: Why should we preserve cultural heritage? Values Slide 23 Architectural and structural elements similar to those which no longer exist in the upper part of the supporting (Western) wall of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem (on the right), may be still evident in the Hebron historic compound of Machpelah Cave. past Time future Large stones of the Herodean period in the lower part of the wall (background photograph) can be easily distinguished from the smaller stones of the latter periods, after the destruction of the Temple. Architecture of the past
Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage Values and deterioration Dr. A. Lobovikov-Katz, Arch. – Topic 1.2: Why should we preserve cultural heritage? Water – an integral part of the image of Venice, and one of main contributors to its architectural beauty – is also one of the main causes of deterioration of its buildings. Slide 24 However, values of historic buildings, to which these buildings owe their beauty, at the same time are often linked to the causes of their deterioration.
Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage Dr. A. Lobovikov-Katz, Arch. – Topic 1.2: Why should we preserve cultural heritage? Text Slide 25 Villa d’Este, Tivoli, Italy, a UNESCO World Heritage site, world famous due to its special place in the history of gardens and fountains: deterioration caused and accelerated by the water of the fountains Values and deterioration
Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage Dr. A. Lobovikov-Katz, Arch. – Topic 1.2: Why should we preserve cultural heritage? Sun and shade and the beauty and refreshment of a fountain – the famous features of a Mediterranean courtyard. However, sun and water are also responsible for deterioration, e.g. lion sculptures which are the focal element of the central fountain of the world famous “Court of Lions” of Alhambra, Granada, Spain, have lost their “lion” features as a result of the constant presence of water. Slide Values and deterioration
Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage Dr. A. Lobovikov-Katz, Arch. – Topic 1.2: Why should we preserve cultural heritage? Different degrees of aesthetic damage to the architectural image due to the material deterioration – white and dark stains and crusts visible on the facades. (Limestone) Slide Values and deterioration Venice Jerusalem
Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage Dr. A. Lobovikov-Katz, Arch. – Topic 1.2: Why should we preserve cultural heritage? Slide Values and deterioration So, why should we preserve cultural heritage? Because we need it, and it needs us.
Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage Thank you for your attention Dr. A. Lobovikov-Katz, Arch. Slide 29 © Anna Lobovikov-Katz