Westinghouse/Southern/SCANA - Transition from Construction to Operation CM Josh Olson Southern Nuclear - Vogtle 3&4 Configuration Management Supervisor
Objectives Provide an update on construction progress for Vogtle 3&4 and Summer 2&3. Provide an overview of the collaborative effort that is currently underway between Southern Nuclear Company (SNC), South Carolina Electric and Gas (SCE&G) and Westinghouse Electric Company to establish and implement the turnover process Vogtle 3&4 and Summer 2&3.
Summer 2&3 Construction Update
Background Scope of Turnover information Development of Turnover Infrastructure Joint Information Turnover Meetings Pilot Project Objectives Participants Scope Deliverables
Turnover Pilot Objectives Perform an inventory of available consortium information Identify the required utility program information Determine the transfer processes required for turnover of the information from the consortium to the customer Effective, efficient turnover and transfer of design and jurisdictional authority
Turnover Pilot Participants Core Team Configuration Management Engineering Information Technology Initial Testing Program Document Control Steering Committee
Turnover Pilot Scope Standard Plant System (WEC Design) SFS – Spent Fuel Pool Cooling System Standard Plan System (CB&I Design) EDS – Non Class 1E DC and UPS System Site Specific System (CB&I Design) YFS – Yard Fire Water System Area – Main Control Room Program – MOV Program
Turnover Pilot Deliverables Scope of Turnover Information Document / Data Delivery Process Acceptance Process Repeatable process applicable to other systems, areas and programs
Lessons Learned Dedication of resources Start Early Project Manager Needed Teamwork is key Design Authority Transfer Contract Detail