Partnership Governance Presentation to Public Services Board September 2008 Mary Harpley, Cherwell District Council David Neudegg, West Oxfordshire District.


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Presentation transcript:

Partnership Governance Presentation to Public Services Board September 2008 Mary Harpley, Cherwell District Council David Neudegg, West Oxfordshire District Council Slide 1

PSB Objective To ensure that governance arrangements of the partnerships critical to the delivery of Oxfordshire 2030 and Oxfordshire Local Area Agreement 2 are fit for current purpose and sufficiently robust for foreseeable future Greater local discretion on how to allocate public sector resources to meet our strategic objectives – including previously ring-fenced funding such as the local authority Area Based GrantGreater local discretion on how to allocate public sector resources to meet our strategic objectives – including previously ring-fenced funding such as the local authority Area Based Grant Comprehensive Area Assessment (CAA)Comprehensive Area Assessment (CAA) Continuing obligation to improve outcomes for local people, businesses and communities cost-effectivelyContinuing obligation to improve outcomes for local people, businesses and communities cost-effectively Slide 2

Work Phases Audit of 25 current partnershipsAudit of 25 current partnerships Development of proposals to rationalise and align partnerships and clarify governanceDevelopment of proposals to rationalise and align partnerships and clarify governance Development of detailed proposals for full consultation among partnersDevelopment of detailed proposals for full consultation among partners Final recommendations to November PSBFinal recommendations to November PSB Implementation of recommendationsImplementation of recommendations Slide 3

Partnership Audit – Key Findings Some long-established partnershipsSome long-established partnerships A belief in and commitment to partnership workingA belief in and commitment to partnership workingBUT Accountability for SCS objectives and LAA targets unclearAccountability for SCS objectives and LAA targets unclear To whom partnerships are accountable often unclearTo whom partnerships are accountable often unclear Most partnerships underpinned by sub-groupsMost partnerships underpinned by sub-groups Limited evidence of robust external scrutinyLimited evidence of robust external scrutiny Inclusion and role of Elected Members inconsistentInclusion and role of Elected Members inconsistent What partnerships are delivering is not always clearWhat partnerships are delivering is not always clear Many partnerships without funding; few dedicated postsMany partnerships without funding; few dedicated posts Little or nothing done to promote public access to partnership meetings/minutesLittle or nothing done to promote public access to partnership meetings/minutes Slide 4

Partnership Audit – Key Conclusions (1) Maintain/develop 7 partnerships which include Elected Members and a range of other senior decision makers across sectors with authority to tackle strategic issues which cut across boundariesMaintain/develop 7 partnerships which include Elected Members and a range of other senior decision makers across sectors with authority to tackle strategic issues which cut across boundaries Ensure OP/PSB expectations of these partnerships clear in terms of Oxfordshire 2030 objectives and LAA targets and reporting lines establishedEnsure OP/PSB expectations of these partnerships clear in terms of Oxfordshire 2030 objectives and LAA targets and reporting lines established Give these partnerships freedom to design the thematic/specialist officer support they need to deliver objectives and targetsGive these partnerships freedom to design the thematic/specialist officer support they need to deliver objectives and targets Slide 5

Partnership Audit – Key Conclusions (2) Provide centralised capacity for core functions, e.g. risk and performance improvement, budget planning, consultation, communication, equalities and diversity, researchProvide centralised capacity for core functions, e.g. risk and performance improvement, budget planning, consultation, communication, equalities and diversity, research Recognise independence of the Oxfordshire Economic Partnership and the voluntary, community and faith sectors from the more public-sector orientated partnershipsRecognise independence of the Oxfordshire Economic Partnership and the voluntary, community and faith sectors from the more public-sector orientated partnerships Reduce the burden on faith, voluntary and business organisations so they can play a full partReduce the burden on faith, voluntary and business organisations so they can play a full part Slide 6

Scope of 7 Proposed Partnerships Slide 7

7 Proposed Cross-Cutting Partnerships PartnershipAgenda Sustainable DevelopmentRegional spatial planning; economic development; major infrastructure/development; transport; housing delivery Oxfordshire Economic PartnershipAs now Environment & WasteEnvironment; waste; climate change; flooding; biodiversity Children’s Trust BoardAs now Health & Well-BeingAs now, plus homelessness and supporting people Stronger CommunitiesVoluntary sector development; rural; preventing extremism; social inclusion Safer CommunitiesAs now Slide 8

Cross-Cutting Partnerships – Potential Make-Up Elected Members and senior decision- makers from across organisations and sectorsElected Members and senior decision- makers from across organisations and sectors Membership to reflect statutory responsibility, financial commitment, key communities of interestMembership to reflect statutory responsibility, financial commitment, key communities of interest Likely to meet quarterly/three times a yearLikely to meet quarterly/three times a year Slide 9

Structure Below 7 Cross-Cutting Partnerships Up to the Partnerships themselvesUp to the Partnerships themselves Likely to include a number of officer support groups – some as now/some amended/some newLikely to include a number of officer support groups – some as now/some amended/some new Such groups to be accountable to Partnerships for deliverySuch groups to be accountable to Partnerships for delivery Slide 10

District Local Strategic Partnerships Responsible AS NOW for Developing and delivering District Sustainable Community StrategiesDeveloping and delivering District Sustainable Community Strategies Understanding local needs and providing evidence into county-wide and other partnership assessmentsUnderstanding local needs and providing evidence into county-wide and other partnership assessments Delivering local initiatives which support delivery of Oxfordshire 2030 and LAA targetsDelivering local initiatives which support delivery of Oxfordshire 2030 and LAA targets Developing partnership working at District levelDeveloping partnership working at District level Ensuring other partnerships understand our localities and the implications of their work for themEnsuring other partnerships understand our localities and the implications of their work for them AND for Working with 7 Partnerships to develop local strategies and action plans to address local needs (as do already with PCT and others)Working with 7 Partnerships to develop local strategies and action plans to address local needs (as do already with PCT and others) Slide 11

Proposed Partnership Development Group Develops and manages a single Partnership planning and budget cycleDevelops and manages a single Partnership planning and budget cycle Develops frameworks and standards (e.g. programme and project management, consultation and communication, equalities and diversity, risk management)Develops frameworks and standards (e.g. programme and project management, consultation and communication, equalities and diversity, risk management) Helps provide capacity for faith, business and voluntary sectorsHelps provide capacity for faith, business and voluntary sectors Potentially pools partnership support resourcesPotentially pools partnership support resources Promotes best practice and initiatives to develop capacity to work effectively in partnershipPromotes best practice and initiatives to develop capacity to work effectively in partnership Slide 12

Risks Highlighted in Pre-Meeting Call for Comments Potential Dilution of successful Partnerships (such as OWP)Dilution of successful Partnerships (such as OWP) Hindering development of fledging Partnerships (such as Environment)Hindering development of fledging Partnerships (such as Environment) Dilution of focus on Supporting People and Homelessness by move to Health & Well-Being PartnershipDilution of focus on Supporting People and Homelessness by move to Health & Well-Being Partnership View that these Partnerships are an additional ‘layer’View that these Partnerships are an additional ‘layer’ Does not recognise the crucial role of OVSDPDoes not recognise the crucial role of OVSDP Slide 13

Next Steps Develop membership proposals for each PartnershipDevelop membership proposals for each Partnership Talk in more detail to all partnerships and particularly to the Oxfordshire Voluntary Sector Development Partnership and the Oxfordshire Economic PartnershipTalk in more detail to all partnerships and particularly to the Oxfordshire Voluntary Sector Development Partnership and the Oxfordshire Economic Partnership One month full consultationOne month full consultation Final recommendations to November PSBFinal recommendations to November PSB Slide 14