Oceans & Coastal Management Climate Change Considerations for the Oceans & Coastal Management Program – DFO Maritimes
Overview Role of OCMD Intergovernmental Coordination Development of Integrated Management Plans State of the Environment Reporting Conservation Planning & Management
Oceans & Coastal Management Mandate promote the understanding, conservation, and optimum use of coastal and offshore resources for the benefit of present and future generations in Maritime communities development and implementation of effective IM throughout the coastal and offshore waters of the Maritimes Region lead the design and implementation of an ecologically representative network of protected areas for the coastal and offshore waters of the Maritimes Region to establish and effectively manage Oceans Act Marine Protected Area (MPAs) in the Maritimes Region
Intergovernmental Coordination Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment Ecosystem Indicator Partnership Climate Change Network Regional Committee on Coastal and Ocean Management (RCCOM) 2009 State of Nova Scotia’s Coast Report Development of federal-provincial MOUs
Integrated Management Planning in the Maritimes Eastern Scotian Shelf Integrated Management (ESSIM) Initiative Southwest New Brunswick Marine Resources Planning Initiative Bras d’Or Lakes Collaborative Environmental Planning Initiative (CEPI) Marine and Coastal Spatial Planning
State of the Environment Reporting Gulf of Maine and Scotian Shelf State of the Environment Reporting Web-based Context document Theme papers DPSIR framework
MPA and Conservation Planning & Management Bioregional Network of MPAs National Framework Federal and Provincial partners and mechanisms Existing MPA Management and Monitoring Gully MPA Musquash MPA Coral Conservation Areas