The Catcher in the Rye Vocabulary Chapters 5-9 Definitions derived from Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary
Unscrupulous Unprincipled or immoral Adjective If you knew Stradlater, you’d have been worried, too…He was unscrupulous. Hear the Pronunciation Hear the Pronunciation
Fascinated To command the interest of; allure; captivate Past tense Verb It partly scared me and it partly fascinated me. Hear the Pronunciation Hear the Pronunciation
Pacifist Strongly and actively opposed to conflict and especially war Adjective I’m not too tough. I’m a pacifist if you want to know the truth. Hear the Pronunciation Hear the Pronunciation
Lavish Expended or produced in abundance; marked by excess Adjective My grandmother’d just sent me a wad about a week before. I have the grandmother that’s quite lavish with her dough. Hear the Pronunciation Hear the Pronunciation
Conscientious Meticulous; careful Adjective It’s not paradise or anything, but it’s as good as most schools. Some of the faculty are pretty conscientious. Hear the Pronunciation Hear the Pronunciation
Unanimous Being of one mind; agreeing Adjective Well, a bunch of us wanted old Ernie to be president of the class. I mean he was the unanimous choice. Hear the Pronunciation Hear the Pronunciation
Incognito With one’s identity concealed Adjective Adverb …I don’t want to stay at any hotels on the East Side where I might run into some acquaintances of mine. I’m traveling incognito.