This year (Euro 4), we’re going to focus on British celebrations. Next year (Euro 3), you’ll focus on American celebrations. Do you know some British celebrations? …
TASK: Prepare an oral presentation about a celebration in group of 2 pupils.
AIM: present this celebration. HELP - answer these questions: WHAT? WHEN? WHERE? WHY? HOW? SPECIFIC DETAILS? SPECIFIC VOCABULARY? (5 typical words)
HELP: two websites with a lot of easy information junior.kent.sch.uk/customs/holidays.html a book « Festivals » Internet, books…
ADVICE: Be careful: don’t paste full paragraphs from the Internet, don’t use long and complicated sentences. Short and easy sentences are perfect. It should be interesting for your classmates, so use sound, pictures, objects… To put it in a nutshell, be original!!! Powerpoint presentation like this one can help you (cf IT lesson)
PUPILS: 2 pupils doing the oral presentation Other pupils in the class : listen and complete a worksheet. Then, answer the quiz prepared by your classmates!
Evaluation: o Co evaluation in class o Criteria on a worksheet : CO- EVALUATION: /10 1) SUBJECT /0.5 2) TIME /0.5 3) INTELLIGIBILITY /2 4) GRAMMAR /2 5) PRONUNCIATION /2.5 6) ORIGINALITY /1 7) INVOLVEMENT /0.5 8) QUIZ /1
FINAL TASK: When finished, you will have to prepare a 5 questions quiz…
Planning: List of celebrations Volunteers