Welcome to our Junior Support Evening
Introduction Teachers in KS 2: Year 3 – Mrs. Waterman Year 4 – Mrs. Nott Yr 3/4 group teacher – Mrs. Ashton Year 5 – Mrs. Vlok Year 6 – Miss Penkett Year 6 group teacher – Mrs. Wood There will be an opportunity at the end to ask any questions that you may have.
Maths – Mrs. Waterman Importance of place value Different methods: Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Word problems Tables: Weekly tests Supports mental maths and calculations
Mrs. Wood - How you can help: Keep practising tables regularly Use the methods explained in the examples for homework activities Ask your child to explain their working out as this shows that they understand the methods.
Reading – Mrs. Vlok A few pages regularly Older children still need to read aloud in order to support pronunciation, expression and vocabulary Reading tests are based on words out of context, phonics and comprehension Remember that enjoyment of reading is very important Reading is also about understanding what you are reading – Questions: Why? How do we know? When reading S books, we encourage the children to choose the appropriate level for them Book challenges Year 3/4 – 1 reading book, 1 library book Year 5/6 – 1 or 2 books at an appropriate level
Mrs. Nott - How you can support your child: Listen to your child read 4/5 times a week Encourage them to look up unknown words in a dictionary Please sign their reading diaries as these will be checked regularly Ask questions about their books Encourage them to read different genres or texts
Writing – Miss Penkett Neat, joined handwriting Use black pen, when they have received a ‘pen licence’ Weekly spellings - Encourage them to use these in their written work Spoken language Talk for Writing SPAG
General – Mrs. Ashton Targets at the end of the term – keep children and parents informed Next steps that we discuss with the children in class Groups Yr 3/4 and Yr 5/6 Homework Children need a water bottle and snack for playtime (only fruit and vegetables) Take responsibility for their own belongings
Thank you for coming and for your continued support. Please feel free to ask the teachers any questions you may have.