Textbook Distribution You are responsible for your textbooks. Treat them with care.
Textbook Distribution Tape your schedule in your planner. This keeps the barcode in good condition for scanning. Bring your student schedule and ID card if you have it to the library. Follow the directions of the library staff at the textbook windows. Present your schedule to library staff with barcode showing. The library staff will scan your barcode and ask you what book(s) you need.
Fines You may pay with cash, check, Cashier’s check or money order. Only cash is accepted after the District cut- off date. You will receive a refund if your lost book is returned to the library. All students will receive their textbooks during textbook distribution regardless of losses, fines or overdue textbooks.
Fines Students are still financially responsible for these fines and losses. Failure to clear library accounts can result in one or all of the following: loss of check-out privileges in the library, placement on the no activities list, blocking from student activity purchase (e.g. dance tickets, Disneyland, prom, promotion and graduation.)
Overdues If you have overdue books at check-out time, your overdue book will be marked as lost and you will be given a bill and your new term textbooks. Students may return any books at any time in the textbook distribution line. Library Staff will assess the returned books for damages and damaged fees will be assigned at this time, you will be presented with a bill if you have damages and you will receive your new term textbooks. If your textbooks do not have damage, you will receive your textbooks.
Textbook Care Keep your books dry and clean. Waterproof your backpack. Keep a plastic trash bag at the bottom of your pack in which to place your books should it rain. Do not carry liquid in your backpack. Write your name on the line provided in ink only once. Do not mark in your textbooks.
Textbook Care Cover your textbooks. Do not tape covers to the book. Do not use sticky covers. Use the appropriate- sized fabric cover. Covers that are too small actually damage corners.
Textbook Care Do not drop or throw your textbooks or backpack. Over 150 days of dropping your backpack from shoulder height will eventually damage your books.
Textbook Care Keep your books in your possession. Do not lend them to other students. Do not leave them in the classroom. You are ultimately responsible for the books checked out in your name. Textbooks are very expensive. They average about $80.00 each.
7 Day Rule Check the condition of the books that are issued to you. You have 7 days to report any damages that are not already noted in the book to library staff. Library staff will make a note of these damages. You may be held responsible for unreported damages at the end of the term.
Textbook Collection Remove covers and papers before returning your textbooks. The library will scan your textbook and read the name that appears on the screen. If it is not your textbook, you are still responsible for the textbook checked out in your name. Books sometimes get switched when students study together or leave them in a classroom. Keep your books in your possession.
Textbook Collection Your textbooks will be assessed for damages at the time of check-in. If your books have damages, you will be given a bill at the window. Please clear your library account of any bills or overdue books as soon as possible. Payment plans are available. See a library staff member to set one up.
Thank you for taking care of your textbooks.