Bellwork – 11/25/13 1. Answer this question in your Notes: Why are maps so important? 2. Once you have answered the question, retrieve your version of the test from the back counter. If you don’t remember your version of the test, please read until class is ready to begin.
Bellwork - 11/26/13 Open your textbook to page 27. Write down the Geoterms and their definitions.
33 Thieves— a great Previewing Textbook Strategy T— H —I— E —V— E —S Discuss: Think of a time when it would be good to be a thief.
44 T HIEVES T Title— Read the title. The title states the topic and sets up the context. Students can think about what they already know about the subject, and what they are about to learn.
55 T H IEVES H Headings—Search the text for bold headings and read the headings in sequence. These brief phrases organize the chapter or section and provide the words for a graphic organizer. Students can start creating their own graphic organizer and also change the headings into questions in preparation for tests. By putting headings together, students can create a summary of the chapter.
66 TH I EVES I Introduction— Read the first and second paragraphs. This beginning part of the chapter provides the setting and background information for this chapter. Often goals and objectives are stated. Students can personalize their learning by adding “I will learn…” to the objectives. Usually the first and second paragraphs of the chapter are the introduction.
77 THI E VES E Every first sentence –Read every first sentence of every paragraph. These sentences are usually the topic sentences and provide the most information.
88 THIE V ES V Visuals and vocabulary— Look at captions, illustrations, charts, maps, words in bold text. Think about the important words and what they mean; students can list these words in their content dictionaries. Usually the definition follows the bolded word. Think about how the pictures or graphs relate to the title and headings.
99 THIEV E S E End-of-Chapter questions— Read these questions before reading chapter. By reading the questions, students will know what points of the chapter are important. These questions also set a purpose for reading.
10 THIEVE S S Summary— Read the last 1-2 paragraphs of chapter. These summary statements give students an overview of the entire chapter. This gives a framework for their prior knowledge and helps sort small details from the important events or ideas.
11 Name __________________________________ Date ___________________ Class _________ T= Title The title of the chapter I’m previewing is _____________________________________ Two (2) things the title makes me wonder about are: (List two questions or I wonder… about the topic of the chapter H= Headings The important headings in this chapter are… Write about 2 things you recognize or have heard of in the headings — use your background knowledge I= Introduction The Content and Language Objectives for this chapter are:
12 E= Every first sentence --Looking for Topic sentences For each paragraph, read the first sentence. Continue until you have finished the chapter. Write about three topic sentences you read that seem the most important to the chapter. V= Visuals and Vocabulary -- Look at pictures, charts, graphs, captions, illustrations, maps, etc. In this chapter there are _______ important visuals. Describe the visual that really caught your attention and tell why you think it is important to the chapter. List all the bold vocabulary words you found as you previewed the chapter: E= End of Chapter Questions Read the end of the chapter questions and list three things most asked about in the questions. S= Summary Read the summary and compare it to the introduction. Keep all of these ideas in mind now as you dive into reading the chapter.