Research Process Model
Topic Pick a topic that you are familiar with Pick a topic that you know a lot about *Happy Birthday Song*
Is it interesting? Would others want to read this? Is it only interesting to me? *Everyone sings the birthday song and knows it well*
Research Strategy How will I find information about this topic? Will I look for information in a book? On the internet? *I will use the internet*
3 Questions About Topic 1. how old is the birthday song? 2. where did it come from? 3. how many languages is it sung in?
Are my resources reliable? What website did I get my info. from? Does the website have the author and other useful information? Who can access this website?
3 pieces of info Written in 1893 Composed by a lady from Louisville, KY Copyrighted in 1935
Do I have enough information? I will be writing a 5 paragraph paper on this topic Do I have enough information to make it a quality paper?
Final Product Time to write the final product or your rough draft
Evaluate Product Have a friend read it with input Check for grammatical errors Check for misspellings Have another friend read it and give input
Topics A song: must be approved by me! A place A person: must be approved by me!