Intro to Chagrin Valley REACT/CERT Disaster Response and how we can help.
Chagrin Valley REACT was established in August of 1998 Completely Volunteer Program Funded solely by donations and members paying out of there pocket Insured Professionally Trained Members of the community Our History
What We Do Communications Traffic Control Search and Rescue Safety Patrol First Aid Disaster Response Storm Spotting Amber Alert Callout and Search Disabled Vehicle Help Storm Response
What Changed Why are we Here Recently Federal Government and FEMA have Started CERT (Citizens Emergency Response Team) Training for citizens became readily available and some fundingTraining for citizens became readily available and some funding Guidelines for set disaster response for communitiesGuidelines for set disaster response for communities Citizens Helping Fellow Citizens
What we are Planning Planning with Community Leaders, Police, Fire, Churches and, Schools New plans and improvement of plans in place Membership Drive Any one any age Citizens Training Disaster Response, First Aid, CPR, and much more Donation Drive
What is REACT/CERT’s Role Work Directly with Police and Fire in times of disaster Provide needed Leadership for Citizens so they can help out Provide Disaster Response Supplies and Safety Equipment for Citizen Volunteers Ensure Safety of all Citizen Volunteers
Sign UP to Volunteer or Donate Now Visit Us at Or call Any one can volunteer there are no requirements and we will train you!
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