DA Public School O & A Levels A-Level URDU 9686 Session By JAMIL ZAIDI.
P#2 (Discription) -Language Part Title: Reading & Writing (Comprehension) Duration: 1hr 45min. -Marks: 70 Weightage in Result: 45% Crieteria: Students have to answer a series of questions for two unseen passages on same theme. Practice: 6-8 in whole session.
P#3 (Discription) -Language Part Title: Essay Writing. Duration: 1hr 30min. -Marks: 40 Weightage in Result: 20% Crieteria: Students have to write only ONE essay out of five given topics. Practice: 8-10 in whole session.
P#4 (Discription) - Literature Part Title: Text. Duration: 2hrs 30min. -Marks: 75 Weightage in Result: 35% Crieteria: Students have to answer only three questions out of twelve on different prescribed set texts consist of Prose & Poetry. Practice: Maximum time will be given for Reading, Understanding & Writing work of this paper throughout the session.
Students will be provided: Cambridge Syllabus for A-Level Urdu. Weekly Distributed Syllabus for Session. Prescribed Book List for Literature Part. & Lots of Important and Interesting Material to Study and Learn. I look forward to working with all of you in the year ahead…