1. Present Simple ; Complete the table for the Present Simple 1.1 Main verb SubjectPositiveNegative I /Weworkdon’t work You He/She/It They A gardener Some gardeners People
1.2 Verb to be SubjectPositiveNegative I/Weare inare not in You He/She/It They
1.3 Verb to have SubjectPositiveNegative I/Wehave a good time don’t have a good time You He/She/It They
a. Complete the questions and answers. 1. Where you study? 2. Where she study? 3. Where you studying? 4. Where she studying you study in New York? Yes, I he study in New York?No, he you hungry? Yes, I she in the meeting room? No, she.....
b. Practice: Listen and complete each gap with the word you hear. comegolikebeplay staylivehaverelaxfly Ewan Evans (1) a pilot. He (2) from Cardiff in Wales but he (3) there. He (4) a flat near London, but he (5) London because of the traffic. He loves his job because he (6) to other countries. In his free time he (7) sports, but in winter he (8) out much. He (9) at home and (10)
2. Infinitive and Gerund 2.1 To infinitive and Gerund are used as subject and object. Subjectmain verbobject/comple ment Ilike/enjoysurfing the net. Iwould liketo surf the net. Surfing the netismy hobby. To surf the netisdangerous to eyes.
2.2 Practice; like/love + verb +ing go(2)listenplay(2)read(2) watch I (1) football every week at school, but I don’t like (2) sports very much. I never (3) to the gym. I like (4) magazines but I (5) books because they’re boring! I like (6) to music, and I often (7) to the cinema at the weekend. I love (8) films.
3. Past Simple a. Complete the table for the Present Simple Subjecthelping verb finite verbobjectadverb of time A secretarya lot of letters yesterday. A secretarythis letterlast week. (not) A secretaryin a meetingan hour ago. A secretaryin the officeyesterday. (not) A secretarya meetinglast Tuesday. A secretarya meetinglast Monday. (not)
b. Complete each gap below with the correct form of verb in the box. Use positive and negative form. begin sell go sing owninvent 1. Classes at the university of Oxford in They in The Beatles Hound Dog. Elvis Presley it. 3. Neil Armstrong to the moon in He to the moon in Apple Computers the first personal computer in They it in Alexander Bell the telephone in Nokia it. 6. Most people a TV in the 1950s, but many people a radio.
C. Words that are nouns and verbs watch dance(2)post cook(2)drink(2) walk(2) Last Saturday was really nice. I got up late and (1) a big breakfast. I’m not a very good (2) , but my Saturday breakfast is OK! After breakfast, I wrote some letters then went out and (3) them. It was a nice day, so I went for a (4) in the country. I (5) kilometers, then I stopped in a village to have a (6) in the pub. I was very thirsty, so I (7) my beer in five minutes. In the evening, I went to a (8) with some friends. I love (9) I was tired when I came home, so I didn’t (10) TV; I went to bed.
4. Basic sentence pattern: Simple Sentence 4.1 Jobs verb; designsservestranslates noun; journalistpilot hospital planes architectnursenewspapersdrinks Subjectverbobjectcomplement A flies A barman An interpreter things. A looks afterpeoplein An buildings. A writesfor a
4.2 Writing a paragraph Michael Hale and his family Michael Hale accountant thirty-five and married wife, Jenny Hale journalist thirty-three have son and daughter son’s Joseph fourteen ’s name Carina twelve. In time play in the park, , or TV address , Maine Road, Manchester.
Subjectverbobjectobject/posse ssive A nurselooks afterme.my son. A nurselooks afterus.our son. A nurselooks afteryou.your son. A nurselooks afterhim/herhis/her son. A nurselooks afterit.its pub. A nurseLooks afterthemtheir son. 4.3 Pronoun: Subject Pronoun/ Object Pronoun/ Possessive Pronoun
theySheIWeour theiritsheHetheir Practice: Helena Silva is Brazilian, but lives in Sydney, Australia is married to Mike, an Australian likes Sydney, but Helena doesn’t like live in a small flat with children and cat. Helena says: “ have two children, Tom and Ben love children very much.”
Subjecthelping verbfinite verbobject tense Present Simple Present Continuous Present Perfect Past Simple Farmersgrowrice every year. Farmersrice now. Farmersrice for a long time. Farmersrice yesterday. Farmersrice next month. Future Simple Farmersare going torice this afternoon. Going to future 5. Active Voice
Subj.helping v. verb to be finite vobjectTense Riceisgrownby farmers every year. Present Simple Riceby farmers now. Present Continuous Ricefor a long time. Present Perfect Riceyesterday.Past Simple Ricenext month.Future Simple Ricethis afternoon. Going to future 6. Passive Voice