Spolupráce s partnery – základ kvalitní odborné výuky Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.1.01/
Location Zelený kopec by Kramolín, about 30 km southeast fromTřebíč 1.5 km from village Kramolín Altitude 491m asl
Construction For surveying purpose in1831 Contract owner – owner of the local manor Count Jindřich Vilém Haugwitz In connection with cadastre Moravia The original heigth 40 m 1866 damaged in the Prussian-Austrian war by artillery, the last wooden floor carried down. Now about 24.5 m. During the 19th century a tourist lookout
Structure Stone tower in Empire style Based on a square floor plan, higher floors with eight walls The strength of masonry at the base is m 105 original oak spiral stairs inside Outlook at 18 m Decoration of the ceiling in the form of the Zodiac
Spiral staircase with oak stairs Decoration of the ceiling with the Zodiac
Current situation 2 October1968 registered in the heritage fund of State Institute for Cultural Heritage. Reconstructed in 1999, 2000 and 2004 – ceiling frescoes, facade, roof, impregnation of the staircase. The owner is village Kramolín.
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