3 things can happen when your home goes on the MARKET 1. Your home sells and sometimes right away! 2. We get showings but no offers. 3. We get no showings According to the National Association of Realtors® if our house is priced correctly, you should get one offer for every 10 showings. (In a normal market, you should average 3 showings per week).
According to N.A.R. data, when your home has …… Showings and no offers3%- 5% price adjustment is advised Low showings, no offers 5%-10% price adjustment is advised No showingsMinimum 10% price adjustment is advised Interpreting the Interpreting the Real Estate Market 1.If our house is in the running, but the buyers buy something else, or if the buyers view the house a second time, but they buy something else, it means that we are close. 2.If our house is being shown, but we are not getting any offers, it means the buyers are finding nicer homes for the same amount of money. 3. If our house is not being shown, it means that other agent’s clients think our price is too high for that neighborhood. According to N.A.R. data, When your home has …
The Reasons we call the Agent Who Showed your Home are: 1. To jog the Agent’s memory about the house so that we may be able to get a second showing. To answer any questions or concerns the buyer expressed so the house will be reconsidered. To get the impression of the buyer or agents that might help us to better market our home. NOTE: Don’t expect agents to give a full critique of the house. If they showed many homes, they honestly may not remember it in detail. Also, if any agent doesn’t call us back after several requests, it means the buyers simply are not interested. Price Objections are always clothed in different terms. Seller’s Goal “To be the nicest house in the price range”. INTERPRETING FEEDBACK When an agent says: The agent Means: “The buyer thought the house = was too small.” ______________________________ “They liked the house but = bought another.” ______________________________ “They liked the house but = bought a new home.” ______________________________ “They didn’t like the carpet.” = ______________________________ “They thought the yard was too = small, the street was too busy.” ______________________________ “They didn’t like the floor plan.” = The buyer found larger homes for the same price __________________________ They found other houses that were better values. __________________________ Buyers will pay 10-15% more for a new home. __________________________ The seller should replace the carpet due to age or colour. __________________________ They found other homes with larger yards, quieter streets. __________________________ House layout was unusual. THE PURPOSE OF FEEDBACK THE PURPOSE OF FEEDBACK