GEOMETRY MS. BICHLER Room 229 TEXT: Holt Geometry You will load a soft copy from my flash drive. WELCOME!
ABOUT ME They tell us kids want to know about their teachers, so here it is. I Teach because I love students and I love Geometry.
Education First, I got a BS in Anthropology & BA in English Literature at Portland State University in Portland, Oregon Later, I went to UT Arlington where I majored in mathematics and electrical engineering. While I was at it, I got my secondary mathematics teaching certificate.
Military I went through Army ROTC and was the Distinguished Military Graduate for my class. I was commissioned and served as a junior officer mostly in Fort Hood, TX. I got to go to Germany too! I left the army as a Captain, and began teaching.
Teaching This is my 13 th year of teaching math and my 9 th year of teaching Geometry. I taught in a private middle school, Austin MS, Roosevelt High School in South Dallas, and Nimitz High School. This is my 4 th year of teaching at Nimitz.
Personal I have two sons & two dogs.
Orion One of my sons is in the Army serving in Afghanistan.
Alex My younger son is in college at UTD. He is studying Cognitive Science, which has to do with making computers to think like people.
I have two dogs. They like to jog with me and team tag squirrels in the back yard. Aramis Freya
What I do for Fun! Sail Ride WOW Coffee
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Lots of information here! Teacher contact information Welcome Letter Tutor Schedule Link to form for first assignment: “Hey Kids!” And More!
Tutoring Schedule You can go to any of us!
Supply List: Lined notebook paper Binder with dividers Pencils, Erasers Highlighter A Few Colored Pencils ( 5 is plenty ) School Issued Lap Top computer Note: Some projects will require the purchase of additional supplies. Students will be notified in advance of these requirements.
Classroom Procedures: Get calculator, sharpen pencils and be in assigned seat before the bell rings. Do the Warm Up. ( about 5 min.) Ask questions about any problems you may have encountered in your homework. Take good Cornell notes, participate 100% in all class activities. Complete your Exit Ticket before leaving the class. Put up your calculator and clean up your area prior to departure.
The Rules: Stay away from teacher desk. Food and Drink are prohibited. Use appropriate language and courtesy. Lap Tops are to be off, closed and stowed unless otherwise directed. Only have what is needed for the class on the table. Electronic entertainment & communication devices are not allowed. Be in assigned seat before the tardy bell. Remain in assigned seat until you are dismissed by your teacher. Do not move any furniture without permission.
Calculator Use Policy in brief: You are required to know how to use a TI83 Calculator. To ensure that the calculators will continue to be available to all students the following policy has been developed. Calculators must be checked out by calculator number. Inspect the calculator before using Check the calculator back in before leaving the classroom. You are responsible for calculators checked out to you. Police reports must be filed for missing calculators.
Calculator Abuse Samples: Writing on the calculator or using tip of pen/pencil etc. to press buttons Compressing the calculator screen Removing functional batteries Repeatedly pressing any sequence of buttons Dropping the calculator Loading offensive text, graphics or unauthorized programs Sample consequences Temporary loss of calculator use privilege Parent contact Referral to Vice Principal