Our Magnificent God
Our God isOmnipotentOmniscientOmnipresent
He is the King of Glory Num 14:21 & Is 6:3 Ps 104:1 Ps 19:1
This Magnificent King of Glory Are there things He Cannot Do???
Our Magnificent God & Things He cannot Do…. Our Magnificent God & Things He cannot Do….
1.God Cannot Lie Num 23:19 2 Tim 2:13 Ps 12:1,2 Prov 20:6
God is Truthful in Forgiveness 1 Jn 1:9 Pr 28:13 Ps 32:1
God is Truthful in His Promises Heb 10:25 Num 23:15 2 Cor 1:20
God is Truthful in His Call 1 Cor 1:9 1 Thes 5:21
God is Truthful to save us from harm 2 Thes 3:3 2Tim 4:18 Ps 121:7 1 Thes 5 : 23,24
The Lee Stroebel Story
2.God Cannot Forget Is 49 :14-16 Job 19:14 Ps 31:12
God Cannot Forget the lowly & meek Ps 40:17 Hos 11:8
God Cannot Forget & remembers those who obey Gen 7 :1 Gen 8:1 Elijah –Cherith Brook
God Cannot Forget & remembers those who pray Hannah 1 Sam 1:11 Abraham Gen 19:28,29 Jabez 1 Chron 4:10 SamsonJepthahDaniel
God Cannot Forget & remembers those who follow Him Lk 24 : 42,43 Jn 21
God Cannot Forget & remembers His Children The Footprints Story
3. God Cannot Forsake or Abandon You Heb 13:5 Josh 1:5 Deut 31 : 6 1 Chron 28: 20
3. God Cannot Forsake or Abandon You Ps 22 : 1 Isa 43 :1-2 Math
3. God Cannot Forsake or Abandon You The Colonel Sanders Story
Joel 2:26 Isa 61 : 7 2 Chron 7:14 Deut 33:29 Deut 7:6,7 4 God Cannot Put us to Shame
When we look to the Lord God Ps 34:5 Acts 6 ;15 4 God Cannot Put us to Shame
When we wait on the Lord Isa 49:23 Ps 37 : 5,7 Isa 40:31 Isa 45:17 4 God Cannot Put us to Shame
When we are filled with the Holy Spirit Rom 5 :5 Acts 1:8 2 Tim1:7 1 Jn 4:4 4 God Cannot Put us to Shame
The Joni Erickson Tada Story
Things God Cannot Do..... Things God Cannot Do..... God Cannot Lie because He is the Truth He Cannot Forget because He always Remembers He cannot Forsake because He Loves us He cannot put us to Shame because He cares for us
Are you saved by His Blood?? Are You Baptised ??? Are you steadfast on His Word?? Are You anointed in the Holy Spirit?? If not NOW is the TIME… Let’s Pray….
May the Almighty God richly bless you all…