NetLibrary Publishers’ Summit Looking at libraries Lorcan Dempsey OCLC NetLibrary Publishers’ Summit June 2005
NetLibrary Publishers’ Summit Overview
NetLibrary Publishers’ Summit
NetLibrary Publishers’ Summit So …. Libraries value Libraries and users (the example of learning) Moving from simple supply to integration with workflow Libraries and books What have you got? Libraries and OCLC Helping libraries mobilize their collective resources
NetLibrary Publishers’ Summit
Libraries now Value The Amazoogle effect User work patterns changing Uncertainty about digital directions ‘The future is here. It's just not evenly distributed yet’ William Gibson
NetLibrary Publishers’ Summit lab books exhibitions PDAs learning management systems campus portal course material text book personal collections reading lists Institutional repository Digital collections E-reserve Catalog Licensed collections Aggregations Virtual reference Cataloging ILL library user environments resource environment
NetLibrary Publishers’ Summit At the TU Delft Library, we have made a decisive choice for digitalisation. This means that wherever possible we will offer E-only services. Only if digital resources are not possible, will we also offer physical services. Annual Report 2003, Technical University Delft
NetLibrary Publishers’ Summit … and learning, …
NetLibrary Publishers’ Summit Gather -- create -- share Flecker and McLean. CNI/IMS paper
NetLibrary Publishers’ Summit Elgg :: Personal Learning Landscape
NetLibrary Publishers’ Summit I suggest that the key strategic challenge for information professionals is that many involved in shaping the future of e-learning do not see the relevance of our content and services to their endeavours. Rebranding is needed to transform “library” and “published” content into “learning tools”. Alicia Wise, CEO, Publishers Licensing Society
NetLibrary Publishers’ Summit Imperative is to release value in the user environment 1.In the flow 2.Ensemble: recombinant services 3.Liquid linkable content Workflow as ‘intermediate’ consumer Search engine, CMS, RSS, download, … No service is the sole focus of user attention Plug into multiple channels for discovery, location, fulfilment, … Gather, create, share Search, link, reuse, analyse, chunk
NetLibrary Publishers’ Summit In the *-flow Workflow Learnflow Commuteflow Lifeflow Research flow e.g. Personal collections and citation chaining Integration of data and literature
NetLibrary Publishers’ Summit
Looking at Library Print Book Collections … Systematically 32 million print books, representing 26 million distinct works Half of print books published after 1977; more than 80% still “in copyright” Rareness is common! Only a third of print books have more than five holdings; half have two or less OCLC/Ithaka collaboration: Use WorldCat to characterize the “system-wide” print book collection – i.e., aggregate print book holdings in WorldCat More information: Only about 120,000 works had both print book and e-book manifestations
NetLibrary Publishers’ Summit GooglePrintLibraries Potentially covers about one third of print books in WorldCat ~60 percent of total G5 books held by only one of the Google 5 Less than 5 percent held by all of the Google 5 ~20 percent of total G5 print books out of copyright Paper forthcoming …
NetLibrary Publishers’ Summit GooglePrintLibraries Unique titles * ~49% English language Materials. * ~23% French/ German/Spanish * Balance distributed over 400 languages. ‘Potential contribution study’ shows large metropolitan library with most additional unique material to add. Overlap less among out of copyright materials
NetLibrary Publishers’ Summit
Help libraries to mobilize their collective resources to create value in new environment Collection analysis – management intelligence at local and systemwide level OpenWorldCat – release value of library collections on the open web E-resource management
NetLibrary Publishers’ Summit Yahoo!/OCLC Toolbar
NetLibrary Publishers’ Summit
WorldCat WIKI
NetLibrary Publishers’ Summit Increase visibility – discovery, location, fulfilment Release value Create demand
NetLibrary Publishers’ Summit Thank you! Lorcan OCLC Research: