Beyond Vanity Libraries, eBooks and self-published authors Maggie Boyd Development & Collections Manager Leicestershire Library Services
Transformation: Book Selection The Past Titles read/reviewed Criteria Discussed All titles on merit Feedback The Present Reduced capacity Reduced book fund Declining issues Increase in publishing ‘Systems’ Risk averse
Requests & Stock Suggestions Hints and Tips… “Watch out for vanity publishing – i.e. those publishers who will publish any old rubbish if you pay them” Increasingly difficult to distinguish between small publishers/vanity/self-publishers If in doubt – leave it out.
Local Exceptions Titles read and reviewed Quarterly Meetings Feedback/Signposting to further help Partnership Working Talks/Signings/Launches Author Enterprise days Digital Barriers
7 steps in the right direction Relevance * Quality * Appeal * Trust Respect * Partnership * Determination
A way forward ? Transformation: Communities & Wellbeing Community Engagement Partnership Working Volunteer Community Libraries Community/Digital Hubs Social/Creative Enterprise