1 The Oxford-Google mass-digitisation project: How, why and what? An EDUCAUSE Webcast by Reg Carr (University of Oxford) 15 June 2005
2 The mass-digitisation initiative (1): from Google’s point of view Google’s ongoing aim: Google’s ongoing aim: ‘to organize the world’s information’ Mass-digitisation of library materials seen during Mass-digitisation of library materials seen during 2002 as a means of gaining access to the contents of knowledge repositories Consistent with Google’s continuing enhancement of its Web-based search-engine services Consistent with Google’s continuing enhancement of its Web-based search-engine services Conversations with publishers and major libraries during Conversations with publishers and major libraries during
3 The mass-digitisation initiative (2): from Oxford’s point of view Integral part of Oxford’s ‘Hybrid Library’ project to create as much local electronic content as possible Integral part of Oxford’s ‘Hybrid Library’ project to create as much local electronic content as possible Google a ‘target’ for support Google a ‘target’ for support Direct discussions with Google, 2002 onwards Direct discussions with Google, 2002 onwards Oxford’s extensive out-of-print materials offered for digitisation by Google Oxford’s extensive out-of-print materials offered for digitisation by Google ‘Win/Win’ situation quickly identified ‘Win/Win’ situation quickly identified
4 Google’s mass-digitisation plans To digitise materials from major research libraries: agreements with Harvard; Stanford; Michigan; New York Public; Oxford To digitise materials from major research libraries: agreements with Harvard; Stanford; Michigan; New York Public; Oxford To create OCRd text, with indexes for search and retrieval of full text via Google Search and Google Print services To create OCRd text, with indexes for search and retrieval of full text via Google Search and Google Print services To provide online access to hitherto inaccessible printed materials for worldwide public To provide online access to hitherto inaccessible printed materials for worldwide public
5 Mass-digitisation of out-of- copyright materials: Oxford’s aims To bring more Oxford content into the digital domain, for scholarly and public benefit To bring more Oxford content into the digital domain, for scholarly and public benefit To raise funds for the Oxford ‘Hybrid Library’ and to ‘populate’ it with electronic versions of locally-held printed materials To raise funds for the Oxford ‘Hybrid Library’ and to ‘populate’ it with electronic versions of locally-held printed materials To supplement Oxford’s strategic expansion of digital resources (the ELISO project) To supplement Oxford’s strategic expansion of digital resources (the ELISO project)
6 The Oxford-Google agreement: the principal outcomes for Oxford ‘Free’ provision of 1 million+ digital books, with OCRd text, and links to Oxford’s online union catalogue (OLIS) ‘Free’ provision of 1 million+ digital books, with OCRd text, and links to Oxford’s online union catalogue (OLIS) Dedicated Google website for local access to Oxford’s digitised materials Dedicated Google website for local access to Oxford’s digitised materials Sharing technology innovation with one of the world’s leading Internet companies Sharing technology innovation with one of the world’s leading Internet companies
7 The Oxford-Google agreement: principal terms and conditions Three-year term, renewable Three-year term, renewable Google to rent space in Oxford premises to set up digitisation operation Google to rent space in Oxford premises to set up digitisation operation Virtually all costs to be met by Google Virtually all costs to be met by Google Oxford costs: seconding local Project Manager, and selection of materials Oxford costs: seconding local Project Manager, and selection of materials Two digital copies to be made: Google and Oxford free to exploit non-exclusively Two digital copies to be made: Google and Oxford free to exploit non-exclusively English Law in case of contractual issues English Law in case of contractual issues
8 The Oxford-Google agreement: down-the-line possibilities Future extension of agreement to wider range of library materials Future extension of agreement to wider range of library materials Sharing of full-text materials with other library partners Sharing of full-text materials with other library partners Support for digital preservation and inter- lending activities Support for digital preservation and inter- lending activities Savings on physical preservation and storage costs for some materials Savings on physical preservation and storage costs for some materials
9 The Oxford-Google mass-digitisation project: Summary A good beginning made The way towards the future “The way to go…”