A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy Ch. 10: Debates on Metaphysical Concepts The Logicians 英文中國哲學史著作讀書會 國立台灣大學哲學系 魏家豪
導讀大綱 本章序言 注意事項 當代研究方向
導讀大綱 本章序言 注意事項 當代研究方向
本章序言 Four topics Place in Chinese tradition What and how Identification Lack of influence
本章序言 Place in Chinese tradition Connection: concern for relation between names and actuality Unique position: primarily devoted to logical consideration; intellectualism for its own sake
本章序言 What and how What Names and actuality Other issues: existence, relativity, time, quality, actuality, causes How Dialogues, aphorisms and paradoxes Not: syllogism, laws of thought, systematic argumentation
本章序言 Identification School, but not easily identifiable Hui Shih and Kung-sun Lung most prominent Not unanimous in opinion (and Mohist influence) Hui ShihKung-sun Long relativeabsolute changepermanence, universality all things are one (rational knowledge)
本章序言 Lack of influence Non-interest in logic Historical circumstances Human problems / social reform
導讀大綱 本章序言 注意事項 當代研究方向
注意事項 Introduction School (difference in opinion) Intellectualism for its own sake or not? (Mohist doctrine) Translation and interpretation No explicitly stated interpretation Careful approach (e.g. 238, based on textual corruption; n.14) Whiteness - hardness
導讀大綱 本章序言 注意事項 當代研究方向
Basic bibliography Graham, A.C Later Mohist Logic, Ethics and Science. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press. Hansen, Chad A Daoist Theory of Chinese Thought: A Philosophical Interpretation. New York/Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press (pp ). Harbsmeier, Christoph Language and Logic. Volume 7.1 in Joseph Needham (ed.), Science and Civilisation in Ancient China. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press (esp. pp ).
當代研究方向 Importance How it developed (ethical vs. descriptive terms) What it tells us (theories of language and meaning) How it influenced (esp. Zhuangzi and Xunzi; key terms) Revaluation Position of Later Mohism (and school-view)
當代研究方向 Identification Tendency rather than school Same concern, different agendas E.g. Hansen (1992) Later Mohism→ Mohism Kung-sun Long → Confucianism ( 正名 ) Hui Shih → Daoism ( 氾愛萬物,天地一體也 )
當代研究方向 Interpretation: negative side Reluctance to use nominalized adjectives (‘whiteness’) and concepts like “concept,” “belief,” “idea,” “truth,” “universal,” “property” etc. in interpretation Argument from Absence of Western-like theories of mind/language in which these terms function Difference in syntactical structure between Indo-European languages and classical Chinese (sentence structure, morphology)
當代研究方向 Interpretation: positive side Attention to language and talk about language in a Chinese context Alternative / challenge to Western philosophy
當代研究方向 Interpretation: example (Hansen 1992) Focus on terms, guiding function Whole – part analysis, with focus on picking out a range or scope Problem for 復名: two different models 牛馬 堅白 Kung-sun Lung as viewing 堅白 in terms of 牛馬
A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy Ch. 10: Debates on Metaphysical Concepts The Logicians 英文中國哲學史著作讀書會 國立台灣大學哲學系 魏家豪