Nursing’s Social Policy Statement The Essence of the Profession
Essence of the Profession Framework of nursing practice Value to society Definition of nursing Direction to nursing educators, administrators and researchers Scope and Standards of Practice and Professional Performance
Social Context of Nursing Property of society Reflects changing needs of society Enduring leadership Social concerns Authority to practice Social contract Collaboration
Social Concerns in Nursing Organization, delivery, and financing of quality health care Provision of public’s health Expansion of nursing knowledge and application of knowledge Expansion of healthcare resources and health policy Duties under extreme conditions
Definition of Nursing Nursing is the protection, promotion and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering and through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, families, communities and populations. (ANA, 2010a, p. 10))
Knowledge Base for Practice A Science and an Art Nursing science Philosophy and ethics Biology and psychology Theoretical bases Social, physical, economic, organizational, and technical sciences
Regulation of the Profession Professional regulation Legal regulation Institutional practices and procedures Self-regulation
Applications of Nursing’s Social Policy Statement for: Practicing nurses Nursing students Nursing faculty Nurse administrators The public and healthcare consumers