Annual Report 2013/14
BSCB Annual Report “ Should provide a rigorous and transparent assessment of the performance and effectiveness of local services. It should identify weaknesses, the causes of those weaknesses and the action being taken to address them, as well as other proposals for action” (WTTSC 2013) Recognise achievements and progress made Identify challenges Demonstrate how effectively the Board’s functions are discharged Include an account of the progress made in implementing actions from SCR’s
Achievements and Progress in 2013/14 Developed and introduced the new Threshold Model “Right Service, Right Time” Developed and supported the implementation of the new “Strengthening Families” Model Trained over 5,000 people Significantly improved its relationship with schools Improved capacity and resources to ensure effectiveness Significantly improved administrative and business processes
Safeguarding Performance was poor Poor evidence that the views, wishes and feelings of children were central to practice Poor timeliness in responding to referrals, risks, single assessments and child protection case conferences Poor quality decision making in relation to child protection investigations and processes Significant social work vacancies (and police and health visitors) Significant numbers of unallocated cases A high degree of unidentified risk
SCR’s and Child Deaths Child Death Overview Panel 171 deaths reviewed (not highest ratio in West Midlands) 86% due to congenital abnormalities or perinatal events 63% of these are neonatal 93% during infancy Only1 death due to child abuse Serious Case Reviews 8 serious incidents notified to DfE 2 SCR’s commissioned 3 published – all actions completed
Overall effectiveness of safeguarding services Good progress New models of service Risks to most vulnerable identified and services in place by the end of the year Excellent work in Youth Justice and Think Family MASH being implemented Named GP Safeguarding champions School practice improving However Still unidentified risks No early help strategy CSE and Missing children an emerging issue Significant no.of children not receiving adequate service
The Board was improving but still inadequate Moved a long way from a low base but still poor Stopped acting as a service provider/proxy for multi-agency practice over year (gaps no longer hidden) Too big, with too little challenge Poor understanding of performance with no effective multi-agency QA systems Poor attendance at sub groups and failure to deliver on plans
The challenges for 2014/15 (1) Ensure every partner urgently develops and can demonstrate stronger accountability Strengthen governance arrangements with the HWB Improve the degree to which partners on the Board use their role to influence their own strategic and corporate governance Improve attendance and effectiveness of sub groups Strengthen partnership governance arrangements and ensure effective co-ordinated relationships are developed Ensure the Board has resilience, capacity and flexibility
The challenges for 2014/15 (2) Sort performance and quality assurance out Establish how children’s services agencies work better together in partnership (address the governance gaps and influence commissioners) Develop stronger assurance systems between partners and the Board Support and challenge the development, and implementation of BCC’s Improvement Plan Commission, develop and implement a proper learning and improvement framework
“Getting to Great” BSCB Strategic Plan 2014/17 One year Business and Improvement plan 4 priorities Voice of ChildSafe Systems (Child Protection) Early HelpBusiness Excellence Steady progress in 2014/15 to date Performance data now available monthly and quality assurance programmes underway MASH having impact Early Help falling into place Governance Review completed and being implemented