1 Delivering Public Health Messages for Tenancy Sustainment Health Module 2: Dementia
2 Objectives of this Module Understanding the impact of dementia on the individual Understanding how to reduce dementia risk Understanding the potential impact of dementia on tenancy sustainment Knowledge of resources available to tackle dementia
3 Dementia: Key Facts Increasing numbers affected Range of different types Affects 1 in 3 aged 65 + Reducing risk of dementia Importance of early diagnosis
4 Dementia: Warning Signs Memory loss Apathetic Disinterested in usual social activities Changes in personality or mood Difficulty with daily tasks Cognitive changes Confusion Difficulty with decision making Difficulty finding the right words
5 Potential Impact on Housing Unable to manage home Financial instability Risk of accidents
6 Sources of information & support: GP Alzheimers Society NHS Choices guide/pages/about-dementia.aspx guide/pages/about-dementia.aspx
7 Action Planning 3 things from this module which have had most impact? 3 actions to take back to your workplace? 3 things your organisation could do to help you help people affected by this issue?
8 Contact Sitra Sitra, 3rd Floor, 55 Bondway, London SW8 1SJ Tel: Sitra CEO’s blog: