You now need to assess your final Calendar against the design specification you drew up. Look at each specification point and decide if you achieved it – say why or why not. Evaluation is important so that you can identify positive aspects and improve on your weaknesses. Does the calendar function as planned ?Any problems? Does the calendar suit the target group ? Evaluation
Does the calendar look like the style listed in your specification? Have you considered sustainable aspects related to the calendar ? Does the cost of the calendar match the targeted price ? Does the calendar match selected/given measurements ? Evaluation
What skills have you learnt during the project? What could you improve about your calendar and the way you have worked ? Targets for your next Design Technology task. Evaluation
On the photo start analysing the positives and negatives of your product. Evaluation Take a photo of your product And stick it on to the page (just like the example) Can you then analyse the positive and negative aspects of your product Comment bank Unsteady, Fastening, Inadequate, Wobbly, Acrylic, D-Ring, Keying, Printout, Amended, Laser cutter, Die cutting, Ruler, Craft Knife, Glue, Window mount, Card, 90g Paper, Printing -Stand too small -Uses too much acrylic + innovative design to calendar sheets + Good use of Photoshop - Acrylic could be more colourful - Stand could be a little wobbly, needs to fasten properly
Draw a possible improvement to the calendar you have designed and manufactured. Designs look better on this colour fame Wider stance allows for weight of calendar to be distributed better Calendar stand is more eco-friendly due to less wastage by being this shape. This fastening holds acrylic together and stops wobbles Calendar smaller and subtle as colours are less harsh to suit every room Calendar with improvements Evaluation