Ancient Greece Vocabulary Words Alex L.
Acropolis A large hill which the Greeks built their city-states around.
Agora A place where Greeks meet and conduct business.
assembly A lawmaking place where people voted on issues that helped their city.
citizen A person who has certain rights and responsibilities to his or her country.
colony A group of people who lived apart from Greece but kept economic ties with it.
democracy A form of government where people vote to make decisions.
jury They hear evidence and make decision in a court of law.
monarchy Government headed by one ruler.
polis A greek city-state.
philosophy A study of wisdom and the right way to live.
peninsula An area of land nearly surrounded by water. Insert Image or photo below the definition and delete this text box.
Peloponnesian war A war between Athens and Sparta. Insert Image or photo below the definition and delete this text box.
oligarchy The kind of government that is run by a small group of people. Insert Image or photo below the definition and delete this text box.
harbor A sheltered place along the coastline. Insert Image or photo below the definition and delete this text box.