Chapters 4–5 1.The verb “to be” 2.Adjectives and agreement 3.Uses of the ablative 4.Prepositions 5.Adverbs.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapters 4–5 1.The verb “to be” 2.Adjectives and agreement 3.Uses of the ablative 4.Prepositions 5.Adverbs

1. The verb “to be” cōgitō ergō sum amō ergō sum … labōrō ergo sum …

1. The verb “to be” cōgitō ergō sum cōgitās ergō es cōgitat ergō est cōgitāmus ergō sumus cōgitātis ergō estis cōgitant ergō sunt

1. The verb “to be” Two senses … et quod sursum est deorsum faciunt and what is up, they make down. nihil bonum est quod nōn est honestum Nothing is good that is not honorable. Christiānus sum, nōn Cicerōniānus I am a Christian, not a Ciceronian. cōgitō ergō sum I think therefore I am esse, aut nōn esse? To be, or not to be? sunt Nocturnae!! … Witches exist (there are witches)!!… est locus … A place exists (there is a place) … cōgitō bene, ergō bonus sum I think well, therefore I am good

1. The verb “to be” Two senses … et quod sursum est deorsum faciunt and what is up, they make down. nihil bonum est quod nōn est honestum Nothing is good that is not honorable. Christiānus sum, nōn Cicerōniānus I am a Christian, not a Ciceronian. cōgitō ergō sum I think therefore I am esse, aut nōn esse? To be, or not to be? sunt Nocturnae!! … Witches exist (there are witches)!! … EXISTENTIAL LINKING (“COPULA”) cōgitō bene, ergō bonus sum I think well, therefore I am good

1. The verb “to be” Truly existential … By Roman Hands 50: N – F – F – N – S – N – C Nōn fuī. Fuī. Nōn sum. Nōn cūrō.

2. Adjectives Christiānus sum, nōn Cicerōniānus —St. Jerome (4 th c. CE)

1. Adjectives declined

2. Adjectives linked to nouns or on their own bonus vir sum, nōn malus vir bonus vir sum, nōn malus I am a good man, not a bad (man). bonus sum, nōn malus bona sum, non mala bonum est, nōn malum. vir is merely implied the second time round (“gapping”, or “ellipsis”)

2. Adjectives agreement with noun according to number, gender, and case singularplural m.f.n.m.f.n. agricola bonus dominus bonus ager bonus rosa bonatemplum bonum agricolae bonī rosae bonae templa bona E.G. NOMINATIVE NOUNS WITH NOMINATIVE ADJECTIVES

2. Adjectives Agreement also in linking contexts episcopus bonus episcopus est bonus episcopus esse bonus dēbet, nōn malus

3. Uses of the ablative ABLATIVE CASE

4. Prepositions Vīperam sub ālā nūtrīcās You are nourishing a viper under your wing. —addressed to Trimalchio in Petronius, Satyrica

4. Prepositions Prepositions taking accusativePrepositions taking ablative Vīpera trāns agrum ambulat. Vīpera sub rosās ambulat. Vipera ad silvam ambulat. Vīpera in silvām ambulat. Vīpera in silvā habitat. Vīpera sub rosīs est. Vīpera ex silvā ambulat. Vīperam prō silvā vidēmus! Vīpera ā silvā ambulat.

4. Prepositions Prepositions taking accusativePrepositions taking ablative ACCUSATIVE : TYPICALLY INVOLVING MOTION TOWARD OR AGAINST Vīpera trāns agrum ambulat. Vīpera sub rosās ambulat. Vipera ad silvam ambulat. Vīpera in silvām ambulat. Vīpera in silvā habitat. Vīpera sub rosīs est. Vīpera ex silvā ambulat. Vīperam prō silvā vidēmus! ABLATIVE : TYPICALLY INVOLVING MOTION AWAY FROM OR LOCATION

4. Prepositions Proverb toolkit ē terrā ad caelum From earth to heaven + ACC.+ ABL. ad (to, toward) in (into, onto, against) per (through) trans (across, beyond) ā/ab (away from) cum (with) ē/ex (out of, from) in (in, on) prō (in front of; on behalf of; instead of) sub (underneath) angusta (n. pl. narrows) alta (n. pl. heights) astra (n. pl. stars) terra (f. sg. earth) silva (f. sg. forest) pontus (m. sg. sea) caelum (n. sg. heaven, sky) imperium (n. sg. power) sapientia (f. sg. wisdom) consilium (n. pl. strategy) arma (n. pl. arms) regnum (n. sg. kingship) cūra (f. sg. care, anxiety)

5. Adverbs IrregularRegular 2 nd declension (add –ē to stem) Regular 3 rd declension (add –(i)ter to stem) facile (easily) nōn (not) nunc (now) saepe (often) tandem (finally) tum (then, at that time, next) altus (high, deep)  altē (loftily, deeply) fortis (courageous)  fortiter (courageously) nōn cōgitō, ergō nōn sum nunc tandem nōn saepe altē cōgitō, ergō nunc nōn sum