Saturn By: Taylor Cornelius
Symbol & Name ~ Saturn is named after a Roman God ~Saturn is the Roman God of agriculture
Discovery ~ Saturn was known by the ‘Ancients’ ~No one is sure of the date or the people
Planet Measurements Mass: 5.68*10 26 kg Volume : *10 14 km 3 Density: Least dense planet, o.687 g cm3 That’s less dense than water! So Saturn would float if placed in water! Gravity: 10.4 m/s 2
Atmosphere ~Saturn’s atmosphere is mainly made up of hydrogen and helium, but there is also sulfur, nitrogen, and oxygen. ~Saturn’s atmosphere is also a bit heavier, so if you are 100 pounds on Earth you would be 108 on Saturn
Distances ~Saturn is the sixth planet away from the sun ~Saturn is 1.4 billion km away from the sun and 1.2 billion km away from the Earth
Orbit & Rotation ~29.46 years on Earth is equal to one year on Saturn! ~It takes Saturn ten hours and thirty nine minutes to complete it’s rotation
Temperature ~The average temperature is -178 Celsius or -288 Fahrenheit (So in other words: Really cold!)
Composition/Appearance ~Saturn is a gas giant, since it is mainly made up of hydrogen and helium ~Saturn’s internal core is made of rocky and metal elements ~Saturn looks to be a yellow type color and appears to have stripes, and of course you are able to see it’s rings.
Rings ~Saturn’s rings are made of pieces of comets, asteroids, or shattered moons ~There are seven rings ~Galileo discovered these rings in
Water & Weather ~Water vapor has been discovered on Saturn ~Water is said to come from an icy moon ~There are zonal winds, which are made of zones and belts ~Zones are high pressure systems while belts are low pressure ~ Zones and belts flow in the opposite direction ~There are sometimes small disturbances and storms
Moons ~ Saturn has sixty two moons ~ These moons were discovered at different times
So…what would happen if YOU went to Saturn? Ha! Trick question. A human wouldn’t be able to land on Saturn because it is a gas giant and since it is a made up of mainly gases, there is no solid surface to land on.
~Fun facts~ ~ Saturn is the second largest planet ~ Saturn would be able to float if placed in water ~ Saturn’s rings are the only rings visible from earth (when using a telescope)
Bibliography "All About Astronomy - Enchanted Learning Software." All About Astronomy - Enchanted Learning Software. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Dec "Nine Planets." The Solar System Tour. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Dec "An Overview of Saturn's Atmospheric Composition." Saturn Atmospheric Composition Overview. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Jan "Solar System Exploration: Home Page." Solar System Exploration: Home Page. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Dec "Saturn's Temperature: One Cool Planet." N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Jan