Matthew 13:10-17 In v.13, Jesus uses “see” (blepo) in two different ways: 1. “to turn the eyes to anything” 2. “to have understanding” So, how do you.


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Presentation transcript:

Matthew 13:10-17 In v.13, Jesus uses “see” (blepo) in two different ways: 1. “to turn the eyes to anything” 2. “to have understanding” So, how do you “see” it?  Is it something you “look at” from time to time, cf. Jas.1:23-24? Or,  Do you “have understanding” of it, Jas.1:25?  In previous lessons, we’ve applied this to “seeing” both “The Word of God” and “Yourself”- now lets look at

How Do You “See” The Church? As the “One Body” of Ephesians 4:4-6? Many folks fail to “see” it as such. Through failing to really “see” they think of “Church” as a matter of choice- as in, “Attend the church of your choice.” Think about it though- the Bible says that there is but “one” body, which is the Church, cf. Eph.1: If there is but “one” Church, what “choice” is really involved? The only “choice” involved is whether to become part of the one body, or not, Matt.12:30. Now, do you really “see” the Church (with biblical sight and understanding), or do you just look at it from time to time?

How Do You “See” The Church? As something built by Man or Jesus, Matthew 16:13-18? Many folks “see” the Church as an invention of men- like Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Wesley, or even Alexander Campbell. If the Church is indeed a product of man, then we are at liberty to alter or arrange it to meet our desires as we see fit. (cf. Matt.21:13; 1Cor.11:17-22) But if we really “see” the Church for what it is- an organization of the saved built by and with Jesus Christ (1Pet.2:7), then we must follow His intent and purpose for its use. Luke 19:10; 1Tim.3:15 Realize that imposters will be “rooted up” Matt.15:7-14. Now, do you really “see” the Church (with biblical sight and understanding), or do you just look at it from time to time?

How Do You “See” The Church? As the called out Body of Christ, or just another organization and association of people, 1Peter 2:9-10? If we “see” the Church as just another organization or association of people, then that is exactly what it will become for us- a day care, dating service, social center, recreation center, humanitarian, political action, glorified rodeo organization. But if we really “see” the Church as the called out Body of Christ- selected (Grk. eklektos) by God to be a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His own possession who “proclaim the excellencies of Him has called you out of darkness and into His marvelous light….the people of God” then it will be something very different! Now, do you really “see” the Church (with biblical sight and understanding), or do you just look at it from time to time?

How Do You “See” The Church? As the one institution ordained of God to carry out His work, or the basis for colleges, missionary societies, and benevolent organizations? Again, think about it. God prescribed the work to be done: 1) evangelism, 1Pet.2:9; 2) edification, Eph.4:12; and 3) benevolence, Rom.15:27. Now, did Jesus build a church capable of doing the prescribed work, or one which is incapable, and therefore builds and maintains subsequent organizations to do its work? The local church is the only organization ordained by God do “church” work- it is therefore eminently capable to: 1) evangelize, 2Tim.2:2; Phil.4:16; 2) edify, Eph.4:11-16; 3) take care of its own, Rom.15:25-27; 1Cor.16:1-2; Acts 4:32-35; Acts 6:1-7; without creating and maintaining other institutions. Now, do you really “see” the Church (with biblical sight and understanding), or do you just look at it from time to time?

How Do You “See” The Church? As the one body, or just one of many? As something built by God, or built by man? As the called out body, or just another human organization? As the one institution ordained of God to carry out His work, or just the basis for colleges, missionary societies, and benevolent organizations? Now, do you really “see” the Church (with biblical sight and understanding), or do you just look at it from time to time?