People Who is who?
Pupil Perceptions There are four categories of people: -Teachers and other adults in school -Friends -Family and/or carers -Other adults
Teachers and other adults ‘Teachers and other adults in school’ means any adults who help you at school For example, includes teaching assistants, dinner ladies and helpers as well as teachers
Friends ‘Friends’ means friends of a similar age to you, either from school or from elsewhere
Family and/or carers ‘Family and/or carers’ means parents, foster parents, carers, grandparents, uncles, aunts and other adults who form part of your whole family. Also includes adults who you know through your family, eg friends of your parents
Other adults ‘Other adults’ means any adults who do not fall into one of the other categories For example, doctors, police, etc
Examples The following screens list some people who David knows For each one, say what category they fit into
Examples His father -Family and/or carers His science teacher -Teachers and other adults in school Mr Ayuba who runs the local boys’ football club on Saturday -Other adults
Examples His mum’s best friend, Angharad -Family and/or carers (The ‘friends’ category is for friends of a similar age, while the ‘family’ category includes his ‘whole family’ of adults) Richard, who he goes to football with -Friends
Examples Dr Gunawardena, the family doctor -Other adults Mr Davis, a teaching assistant who helps David in his maths group -Teachers and other adults in school The school caretaker -Teachers and other adults in school
Examples Juan, the Spanish boy who David met on holiday last year, who he still s -Friends The school nurse -Teachers and other adults in school