Berry Shoals Jr. National Beta Club Friday, March 6 Open your Agenda to page 12 and 13.
National Jr. Beta Club Pledge I hereby declare that I shall always strive To be honest and truthful at all times; To maintain a creditable scholastic record; To be of service to my teachers and fellowmen; To conduct myself in a manner to reflect credit Upon my school and community.
The reading of the minutes:
Beta Great Jake Delhomme
Induction Drake Downs
You will be responsible for remembering to bring your card to each meeting or activity. You will get your card initialed by an officer or an advisor each time you attend a club or committee meeting, participate in litter patrol pick up, or contribute to service projects.
If you misplace your card, you will have to ask for a new one, but you will not be given credit for any signatures on the old one. If you are not on time to the monthly meetings, you may quietly come in and join the group, but your card will not be initialed. You must maintain at least a 3.5 GPA (at least 2 As and 2 Bs) each nine weeks. You must be a positive role model avoiding any disciplinary actions.
Sixth graders must earn 15 service points this semester! Fifth graders must earn 8 service points this semester!
Your points will be recorded and a cumulative record will be kept. Members not in good standing at the end of the semester will be notified. This can be due to lack of participation, academics, or behavior, i.e. ISS. You will be put on probation if you do not meet club requirements.
15 different members worked this month. Be sure to sign up for next week today. Drop by HW Help to sign up for the rest of March.
How to sign up for HW help… 6 th grade members only…Write your name on the sign up sheet located on the bulletin board as you exit. –Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday –Record the date in your agenda –Tell your parents –Be on time (7:10) –Report to the room across from 5 th grade band room (ISS).
Homework Help Center Open Tues. – Thurs. This Month’s Outstanding Helper: Madi Montjoy
We have collected: Thanks to everyone who turned in purses!
This month’s service opportunities:
Adopt-A- Road (6 th grade only) Our next pick up date is Saturday, March 28 at 9:00.
The Spring t-shirt order will be available to pick up at the end of this meeting. Pin $5.00 T-shirt $12.00 Order Due: March 13
Officers Needed Do you think you’re up for the job? If so, talk with our officers and ask them about their responsibilities. If you are interested in running for office, you will need to attend a meeting on Thursday, March 3:00 - 4:00. Wait in the cafeteria for you sponsors. We will vote for new officers at the April meeting.
Join us as we celebrate National Beta Week March
Monday, March 23 ‘Merica Monday 1 point (drop by the School Store) Wear Red, White and Blue
Tuesday, March 24 Tower Power Tuesday Meet after school until 4:00 to build your best tower out of straws! Do your research before you participate. 2 points
Wednesday, March 25 Super Hero Wednesday! 1 point (drop by the School Store) Wear your favorite Super Hero attire.
T- shirt Thursday Wear your best Beta Club t-shirt 1 point Thursday, March 26
Friday, March 27 Friendship Friday Dress like your buddy (twins, triplets, quadruplets, etc.) You and your buddies drop by the school store together to get 1 point each.
The next meeting will be: Friday, April 7:15 in the gym. Remember, the more you put into Beta, the more you get out of it! “Let us learn by serving others”