GEOLOGY Science of our plant Earth MAGMA Earth's molten liquid rock Cools and starts to crystallize Forms solid minerals Two or more minerals = rock
MINERALS Basic building block of rocks 2000 types of minerals Only 20 are common 95% of all rocks in existence Salt, graphite and gemstones are examples
HOW TO DISTINGUISH MINERALS Tests to Identify and Classify Streak test – true color of specimen Luster test – shine or reflection Hardness – scratch resistent or abrasive Cleavage – how the mineral breaks Crystalline structure – most important clue
TYPES OF ROCKS Igneous Rocks Sedimentary Rocks Metamorphic Rocks
IGNEOUS ROCKS Means fire-formed Magma below crust is liquid rock Lava when it reaches the surface
IGNEOUS ROCKS Extrusive Igneous Rock Rock formed after lava on surface cools and solidifies
IGNEOUS ROCKS Inclusive Igneous Rock Rock formed when magma below the crust cools and solidifies Granite 75% of Earth's crust Yosemite National Park
WEATHERING & PLATE TECTONICS Plate tectonics uplift and re-arrange land Weathering and Erosion Expose Inclusive Igneous rocks Exposed rocks are broken down and transported
SEDIMENTARY ROCKS Broken and transported rock fragments Called sediment Settle at low points Sediment is compacted and cemented Lithification Form Sedimentary rocks
SEDIMENTARY ROCKS Small percentage of crust 70% of exposed rock Help geologists learn about Earth's past
SEDIMENTARY ROCKS Contain fossils Preserved remains of plants and animals that lived long ago Mostly hard parts (shells, bones and teeth) of organisms Help determine past life and environments
METAMORPHIC ROCKS Means to change form Created when igneous or sedimentary rocks transform
METAMORPHIC ROCKS Changes are caused by heat and pressure Excessive heat and pressure can cause rocks to melt When re-solidified a new igneous rock is formed
ROLE IN HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Stone Age Tools, shelter and weapons Wars to gain other countries resources Industrial Revolution Begin use of fossil fuels for energy
WORK WITH ROCKS & MINERALS Construction Industry Limestone and gypsum = cement Lapidarist Cut, polish and perfect crystals for jewelry Paleontologist Uncover, examine and identify fossils
EARTH'S RESOURCES Fossil fuels Oil, gas, coal Non-renewable resource Alternative renewable energy resources Recycling
QUIZ QUESTION #1 What is the general name for the material that forms a unique crystal shape?
QUIZ QUESTION #2 A combination of different minerals form what object?
QUIZ QUESTION #3 Within the Earth, what happens to the rock when it is exposed to very high temperatures?
QUIZ QUESTION #4 What type of rock is made up of slowly buried sediments that were later cemented together by dissolved minerals?
QUIZ QUESTION #5 How is a metamorphic rock formed?
QUIZ QUESTION #6 How do people use rocks in their everyday lives?
QUIZ QUESTION #7 Why is recycling important?
QUIZ QUESTION #8 True or False Salt is a mineral.
QUIZ QUESTION #9 True or False Fossils provide important evidence of how life existed in the past and reveal clues about their environment.
QUIZ QUESTION #10 True or False Igneous rock means “water-formed”.