August 26, 2015 State Interoperable & Emergency Communication Board Meeting
August 26, Welcome and Opening Remarks Robert M. Barbato Director, OIEC DHSES
August 26, Roll Call and Approval of Minutes Roll Call; Approval of the Meeting Agenda; Approval of Minutes from May 27, 2015 Meeting
August 26, Statewide Interoperable Communications Grants Update Presented by Larissa Guedko, Radio Engineer DHSES/OIEC
August 26, Public Safety Broadband Update (FirstNet) and Mutualink Rollout Presented by Matthew Delaney Radio Engineer DHSES/OIEC
August 26, FirstNet Current Status Third Notice Requested comments on eligible users Comments were due June 4 th - New York submitted a reply. FirstNet Draft RFP was out for comment and they were due July 27th Actual RFP planned for release around the end of the year FirstNet is predicting May/June timeframe for submissions to be due Not providing an evaluation/award timeline at this point Data Call from the States Due end of September (moved from July 31) Coverage priorities, user base, metrics on calls and user density. Discussed at yesterday’s PSBB WG meeting.
August 26, Mutualink County Deployment Each county who elects to participate will receive 5 software licenses (Mutualink Edge) and two radio interfaces (RNICs) Video and telephone interfaces are available Each county in the State received a letter and MOA to review and return 43 signed MOAs returned to date Once returned, it goes to the Office of the Attorney General and the Office of the State Comptroller for approval. 24 have been approved to date After approval, Mutualink contacts the county to begin installation planning Working to develop some high level guidance/SOPs
August 26, Questions?
August 26, Committee Update Presented by Sheriff Joseph Gerace, Chautauqua County
August 26, Channel Naming Guidelines Presented by Toby Dusha, Radio Engineer, DHSES
August 26, Channel Naming revisions Establish new Guideline for frequency Clarify name and technical parameters for use in NYS Revisions to NYLAW1 Change in technical parameters for CTCSS Terminology edits Revision to common EMS Channels Terminology edits Search & Rescue channel Name and CTCSS to align with the national standard
August 26, Consortium Outreach Presented by Toby Dusha, Radio Engineer, DHSES
August 26, Consortium Interop Survey Project to determine “The state of Interoperability in NYS” Survey issued and meeting held with 9 of the 10 consortiums Focused on Interoperability Continuum components Governance SOPs Technology Training & exercise Usage Channel capability survey issued (30% return)
August 26, Survey results Governance: Developed in 7 of 10; 3 in progress SOPS: 3 of 10 in place; All others in development TICP: 4 developed; 2 in development Technology: Wide variety of LMR solutions in use Only 1 consortium with a single LMR network Plans to develop consortium wide back-bone and connectivity and sharing of fixed LMR resources Limited data sharing; future planning Training: 3 plans in development; No formal plans for remainder Usage: Wide variety of applications
August 26, Training COMT:October at Wildfire & Incident Management Academy (LI) COML:Orange County (date TBD) COMU/ICS Integration (Nov-12) NG Strategic planning and development Workshop (In conjunction with next SIECB & CIWG) TICP Development: Hudson Valley and Finger Lakes COML/COMT:TBD in 2016
August 26, New Business Minimum Training Guidelines for the 911 Telecommunicator Presented by Brett Chellis Deputy Director DHSES/OIEC
August 26, Closing Remarks and Adjournment Presented by Robert M. Barbato Director DHSES/OIEC