Compliance Training for Teachers Kids Without Homes: A School District Responds
Contact Information Name: Office Phone: Other Phone: Homeless Education Liaison
Federal Law defines and protects the rights of homeless students to enroll in, attend, and succeed in our public schools The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
Overview Poverty and homelessness in our community The McKinney-Vento Act Possible signs of homelessness or running away Common stressors Ways to work with homeless students Major Topics
The McKinney-Vento Act The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act says that children and youth who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence are homeless
Stereotypes of Homelessness
Homelessness in Texas Poverty is most common in families that rely on a single mother’s income CANYTXFLPAU.S.
Increasing Awareness Could you -- or someone you know -- experience … a natural disaster a job cut-back or layoff loss of sole wage-earner’s income a negative change to current lifestyle
Increasing Awareness Could you -- or someone you know -- experience … loss of health coverage and other benefits being routinely behind on paying bills high balances on credit cards
Increasing Awareness Could you -- or someone you know -- experience … inadequate health-care benefits for a family member needing long term care a family member’s addiction wages that don’t keep up with rising housing costs and taxes
Common problems Effects of poverty and homelessness Educational needs Emotional and social difficulties Life is difficult for our homeless students Increasing Awareness
The McKinney-Vento Act Immediate Enrollment Key Provisions of the Law Choice of Schools Transportation Services Dispute Resolution
Texas Education Code specifies that a student who is homeless is entitled to admission in any Texas school district Chapter 25 of the Texas Education Code The entire Code is available online at: statutes/ed.toc.htm
The McKinney-Vento Act Attend their school of choice For homeless parents, the law means their children have the right to: Enroll immediately without documentation Receive Title I assistance Receive free school meals
The McKinney-Vento Act School districts must set aside a portion of Title I funds to assist students in homeless situations Title I Funds
The Homeless Education Liaison every school district is required to have a homeless education liaison The McKinney-Vento Act mandates that... the liaison is required to perform specific tasks
Increasing Awareness Who may be experiencing homelessness? Who may be on the verge of running away? Know the possible signs of homelessness...
Increasing Awareness Transient / unstable lifestyle Living in crowded conditions Frequently changing schools Inadequate personal hygiene Shabby or unclean clothing Poor health / nutrition Stress factors
Assisting Our Homeless Students changing schools frequently lacking access to basic resources constant moves Employ realistic strategies in response to the stresses of:
Assisting Our Homeless Students Respond to stresses with practical solutions Brainstorm with colleagues When appropriate, refer student to a school counselor Meeting the challenge
Tutoring Programs Consider the possibilities! Encourage parents and community members to share their time and skills Conduct tutoring sessions in a variety of locations Use the Links to Literacy handbook as a resource
Assisting Our Homeless Students Professional development Immediate assistance Continuing care Expanding outreach Effective communications can make a difference!You
Contact Information Name: Office Phone: Other Phone: Homeless Education Liaison