Intelligence You can’t see it- But you know it’s there!
What is intelligence? Ability to understand complex ideas Ability to adapt to the environment Ability to learn from experience Reason (conclusions based on information)
Types of Intelligence….. Crystalized Intelligence Fluid Intelligence
Theory of Multiple Intelligence Howard Gardner
Types of Intelligence…. Logical- mathematical Verbal-linguistic Musical Bodily-kinesthetic Spatial Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalist Are these intelligence Or Talents?
Emotional Intelligence The ability to perceive, express, understand, and regulate emotions. People high in emotional intelligence are more in touch with their feelings and the feelings of others. Strong interpersonal and intrapersonal skill
Intelligence Tests= Controversial Not reliable prior to age 6 After middle school- little change up to age 70 (except fluid intelligence which starts to decline by age 30) Other decline: Drugs/alcohol Chronic illness Environmental factors Importance of Reliability and Validity
History of IQ tests….. Alfred Binet 1904 Tried to identify “slow learners” Original test adapted by Lewis Terman (Stanford University) in Test became the Stanford-Binet
Intelligence quotient (IQ)
Sample Stanford-Binet Questions 2 year-old: On a large paper doll; points out the hair, mouth, feet, ears, nose, hands and eyes 2 Year-old: When shown a bridge built of 4 blocks; builds one like it 3 Year-old: When shown a bridge built of 3 blocks; builds one like it 3 Year-old: when shown a drawing of a circle, copies it correctly
Sample 4 year-old questions Preeencha a palavra que esta faltando quando perguntado: “Irmao e um menion: Irma e uma ______________.” “Na luz do dia esta claro, a noite esta___________________.” Porque temos casa?”_______________ “Porque temos livros?”______________
4 Year-old: Fills in missing word when asked: “Brother is a boy; sister is a ____”, In daylight it is light; at night it is_____” 4 Year-old: Answers correctly: why do we have houses? Why do we have books? 5 Year-old: Define: ball, hat, stove 5 Year-old: Copies a square correctly 9 Year-old: Answers correctly when examiner says: “In an old graveyard in Spain they have discovered a small skull which they believe to be that of Christopher Columbus when he was about 10 years old. What is foolish about that?
An adult: Can describe the difference between laziness and idleness, poverty and misery, character and reputation. An adult: Answers correctly: which direction would you have to face so your right hand would be toward the north?
David Wechsler ( ) Developer of the most widely used individual intelligence tests in the United States, which were the first tests to report scores for both verbal and nonverbal scores.
Wechsler Intelligence Scales Intelligence test, developed by Weschler which included: Different tests for different age groups Separate scores for verbal and nonverbal abilities Subtests
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Test
Achievement Tests Tests that attempt to measure what the test-taker has accomplished. i.e. classroom tests at the end of a unit
Aptitude Tests Tests that attempt to predict the test- taker’s future performance. Examples: ACT and SAT
Bell Curve for Intelligence
Mental Retardation IQ score below 70 & a significant impairment in basic skills. 30-40% effected have no known cause 50% have organic cause (birth injury, genetic abnormality, etc.) Most commonly recognized: Down Syndrome Savant Syndrome (retardation & “island of genius”. Autism vs. Asperger Syndrome
Developmental disorders… Pervasive Developmental Disorder (includes Autism Spectrum & Asperger’s Disorder Attention Deficit /Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Impairments in Social interaction. abnormally intense focus in a specific area of interest Rituals or routines
Gifted Children: even the name is controversial IQ over 140 Global, integrative mental capacity- giftedness is more than just academic achievement. Lewis Terman’s 80-year study of 1,500 gifted children….. Misconceptions: gifted are peculiar gifted are physically inferior more susceptible to mental illness
Is it a Cheetah?
Is Intelligence genetic? What is the evidence? Francis Galton/Eugenics? Case for Nature Gene studies Scarr research Identical twins reared apart Case for Nurture “enriched” environment can improve school improvement (5) Increasing IQ scores around the world= The Flynn effect Milwaukee Project Stereotype Threat