In your business
DATING!!! Take a few minutes and write down one of the best dates you have ever been on. Then we will have a few of you share your exciting adventures. DIRECT SALES IS LIKE…
Those are fun examples, and Direct Selling CAN be like that…lots of fun and excitement.
And, just like in dating, there is something we will all face as Direct Sellers…
Today we are going to talk about: How to prepare for rejection. How to work through it. How to succeed anyway ! REJECTION!!!
What are some common ways that we might face rejection?
Not interested in our product, party, or joining. Saying they are interested, but then never talking to us again! Asking us to never talk to them about business again. COMMON IDEAS
The first option is to avoid rejection all together. You do that by: Doing Nothing Saying Nothing NOT REALLY AN OPTION! WE ALL FACE IT, WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT IT?
Prepare yourself! Know that it will come ! Know that you have the potential to do great things, no matter what! Rely on a network of positive people to remind you that you can do this! THE REAL STEPS TO TAKE
Understand Rejection A “No” usually means that the timing just isn’t right. It might mean they are not interested in Direct Sales. IT DOES NOT MEAN THEY DON’T LIKE YOU! Understanding that can help you remember to do the next positive step… THE REAL STEPS TO TAKE
Talk to lots of people! The more people you talk to the more success you will face. If you only talk to a few, the rejection seems huge. If you talk to a lot of people, the success keeps you so busy you can’t worry about the rejection. THE NEXT POSITIVE STEP
There are two critical things to remember about your business: This CAN be a successful business! YOU can be successful in this business! THE REALITY
Start by identifying 2-3 positive people to be your support system. Family, friends, or team work great! Be ready for someone to say “No.” Then smile, say thank you and still be friends! Set a goal for this month of the number of people you will talk to. Make it at least 2 per day. Go out and have some success ! YOUR ASSIGNMENT