Step by step approach Group Name: WG2 Source: Michael hs. Yang, LG uplus, Jaeseung Song, NEC Europe, Meeting Date: Agenda Item: Contribution
Purpose Based on the whole architecture of oneM2M, we need to apply a step-by-step approach and make an achievement (e.g. release number) by considering each layer (e.g. platform, solution/services, network) in terms of CSF, Resources, and attributes. To know and focus what we need to do in each step To satisfy the given R1 timeframe
Background Different view points about functions, resources, and attributes in CSE. Limited for covering all the M2M Applications by using current CSF, resources, and its attributes. What functions, resources, and attributes to implement for providing practical M2M Applications. No target M2M Applications yet. e.g. BEMS, FMS, CCTV, AMI, Smart Grid, and etc. The meaning of the M2M Applications in Release 1. ※ M2M applications : Applications (including a target M2M application) used in the real market (e.g. FMS, EMS, CCTV, and etc) M2M application-specific Functions, resources, and attributes : used for providing particular M2M applications
Architecture comparison Solution/ Service Service Platform Network Device -Car infotainment -FMS, BIS -Car Sharing -… Underlying network Connected Car -FMS -BIS -Truck mgmt. -… Smart Grid …… Area Network Device Gateway Device M2M Core … … M2M architecture oneM2M architecture current oneM2M scope ※ AE and CSE on the device are also in oneM2M scope C P N D Application
Solution/ Service Service Platform Network Device -Car infotainment -FMS, BIS -Car Sharing -… Underlying network -FMS -BIS -Truck mgmt. -… …… Area Network Device Gateway Device oneM2M architecture Registration, Security, Authentication, Subscription, Charging, Discovery, Location, Device & Service info., DM mgmt., F/W update, Statistics, Big data … … current oneM2M scope M2M architecture M2M Core Connected Car Smart Grid OBD/DTG, Vehicle/Driver registration, Driver sync, Eco Drive, Fuel, Driving distance, etc… ※ AE and CSE on the device are also in oneM2M scope M2M Application-specific Functions vs. Generic Functions. M2M Application-specific Functions Generic Functions
Issues / Discussion points Which M2M application can we provide in Release 1? – The meaning of AE in R1 is practical M2M Application including M2M Application-specific functions? or is a basic M2M Application by utilizing capabilities from CSE? Where do M2M application-specific functions, Resources, and attributes belong to? CSE? or AE? – Some functions, resources, and attributes in CSE are related to a particular type of M2M application. (1) CSE means, common functions which can be commonly used for providing generic M2M Applications? (2) or, CSE need to cover M2M Application-specific functions? If (2) is right, do we have enough CSE for providing a practical M2M Application in R1? And, which M2M Application can we provide using current CSE? From time to time, we need to update M2M Application-specific functions and resources to the TS.
Suggestion Focus on common functions, common resources, and common attributes to provide generic M2M Services in R1 – M2M SP can provide M2M services by mapping their own service functions and oneM2M APIs utilizing oneM2M architecture, functions, resources, and attributes in R1 Clean-up and Consistent check for defining functions, resources and attributes in R1 How to include M2M Application-specific functions, resources, and attributes are FFS. *These functions might be in AE or CSE side.
Application Solution/ Service Service Platform Network Device -Car infotainment -FMS, BIS -Car Sharing -… Underlying network -FMS -BIS -Truck mgmt. -… …… Area Network Device Gateway Device oneM2M architecture Registration, Security, Authentication, Subscription, Charging, Discovery, Location, Device & Service info., DM mgmt., F/W update, Statistics, Big data … … current oneM2M scope M2M architecture M2M Core Connected Car Smart Grid OBD/DTG, Vehicle/Driver registration, Driver sync, Eco Drive, Fuel, Driving distance, etc… ※ AE and CSE on the device are also in oneM2M scope Step 1 Step 2? The location of M2M Application-specific functions is FFS Suggestion M2M Application-specific Functions Generic Functions
End of Document
Practical M2M Application Real-Time Audio/Video Real-Time & Secure Health Monitoring ※ Source : ARC M2M service Session management CSF (IDCC, LGE, ZTE)
Application What is AE in Release1? Solution/ Service Service Platform Network Device -Car infotainment -FMS, BIS -Car Sharing -… Underlying network -FMS -BIS -Truck mgmt. -… …… Area Network Device Gateway Device oneM2M architecture Registration, Security, Authentication, Subscription, Charging, Discovery, Location, Device & Service info., DM mgmt., F/W update, Statistics, Big data … … current oneM2M scope M2M architecture M2M Core Connected Car Smart Grid OBD/DTG, Vehicle/Driver registration, Driver sync, Eco Drive, Fuel, Driving distance, etc… ※ AE and CSE on the device are also in oneM2M scope ? ?
Application M2M Application-specific functions Solution/ Service Service Platform Network Device -Car infotainment -FMS, BIS -Car Sharing -… Underlying network -FMS -BIS -Truck mgmt. -… …… Area Network Device Gateway Device oneM2M architecture Registration, Security, Authentication, Subscription, Charging, Discovery, Location, Device & Service info., DM mgmt., F/W update, Statistics, Big data … … current oneM2M scope M2M architecture M2M Core Connected Car Smart Grid OBD/DTG, Vehicle/Driver registration, Driver sync, Eco Drive, Fuel, Driving distance, etc… ※ AE and CSE on the device are also in oneM2M scope Where do M2M Application-specific functions, resources, attributes belong to?
M2M Application-specific attributes Attribute NameMultiplicity RW/ RO/ WO Description resourceType1ROSee section where this common attribute is described. expirationTime1RWSee section where this common attribute is described. accessRightID1..nRWSee section where this common attribute is described. creationTime1ROSee section where this common attribute is described. lastModifiedTime1ROSee section where this common attribute is described. searchStrings0..1RWSee section where this common attribute is described. locationSource1RWIndicates the source of location information Network-Based GPS-Based Sharing-Based locationUpdatePeriod0..1RWIndicates the period for updating location information. If the value is marked ‘0’ or not defined, location information is updated only when a retrieval request is triggered. locationTargetId0..1RWThe identifier to be used for retrieving the location information of a remote Node and this attribute is only used in the case that location information is provided by a location server. locationServer0..1RWIndicates the identity of the location server. This attribute is only used in that case location information is provided by a location server. locationContainerID0..nROURI of the resource where the actual location information of a M2M Node is stored. locationContainerName0..1WOName of the resource where the actual location information of a M2M Node is store. If it is not assigned, the Hosting CSE automatically assigns a name of the resource. locationZoneThe identifier to be used for setting the location zone information. This attribute is only used in the case that values of location marked more than “3”. Table : Attributes of resource An example of M2M Application-specific attributes ※ “LocationZone” attribute is intentionally made to demonstrate one of M2M application-specific attribute ※ Source : ARC R02-CR_for_locationPolicy_Resource (LGE)
Definition of AE "Application Entity (AE): Application Entity provides Application logic for the end-to-end M2M solutions. Examples of the Application Entities can be fleet tracking application, remote blood sugar monitoring application, or remote power metering