Overexploition/Human Exploitation Spencer Cohen Parikka (per 3)
Overexploitaion Harvesting or hunting something to the point that the population cannot replenish. Humans overexploit more than any other species, giving the name “human exploitation”
Affect on ecosystems When a population is overexploited, it affects the ecosystem it used to be a part of. If a population is overexploited, its prey will overpopulate and its predator will begin to die out.
Overexploitation in Marine Ecosystems To the right are illegally harvested sea turtle eggs in Borneo. If overexploitaion like this keeps happening, the prey of the sea turles will overpopulate and their predators will starve. Marin e overexploitation can involve overfishing of Cod, sharks, red snapper, swordfish, tuna and turtles and the accidental trapping of whales, porpoises, and dolphins in fishing nets.
Human exploitation affects 30% of threatened mammals and birds.